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  • Before: Jun 21, 2007
  • Users: brianoak
  • Order by date
  1. brianoak

    Happy Birthday to Juno, nofriendo on 20th June 2007

    Well done Dave,your a good marrying age now.
  2. brianoak

    Masters Of Reality - The Blue Garden

    New Qotsa is great.Masters of Reality I always found hit and miss. Welcome to the Western Lodge is good and Sunrise on the Sufferbus is a bit ropey.Havent't heard The Blue Garden.
  3. brianoak

    Stolen Guitar

    no sign in the pawn shops either.checked this morning.
  4. brianoak

    Stolen Guitar

    Thanks for the words lads and the offer of a guitar.Thats dead sound of you.I'm ok for a guitar to play though, I would just like to get it back. Cheers for stickying too.
  5. brianoak

    Stolen Guitar

    Cheers guys. I'll check the pawn shops alright apparently there is only 4 or so in Dublin so ill keep an eye out over the next couple of weeks.
  6. brianoak

    Stolen Guitar

    My Gibson was stolen over the weekend. Its a black SG and with a chunk gone out of the paintwork by the jack input and a serious ammount of belt wear on the back down to the wood. There is a SEymour Duncan Invader in the bridge and the G string is buzzing really badly of the frets after some...
  7. brianoak

    Stolen Guitar

    My Gibson was stolen over the weekend. Its a black SG and with a chunk gone out of the paintwork by the jack input and a serious ammount of belt wear on the back down to the wood. There is a SEymour Duncan Invader in the bridge and the G string is buzzing really badly of the frets after some...
  8. brianoak

    how many pedals do you own?

    Trying out one of these at the moment so I can stop borrowing my friends expandora all the time.Seems simple and solid and sounds good too so i'll probably buy it.
  9. brianoak

    The Wire

    Season 4 is great.I found season 2 the weakest but it still ruled.
  10. brianoak


  11. brianoak

    you tube madness

    Pipelayer is my personal favourite
  12. brianoak

    exam blues

    I finished last week. Good luck,its a horrible time.
  13. brianoak

    Theatre Forum Ireland

    yeah..I think I have been looking at the computer for too long.
  14. brianoak

    Theatre Forum Ireland

    Do you have to pay 130 a year to see the employment pages here or am I being retarded?
  15. brianoak

    28 Weeks Later (and general new horror/zombie films thread)

    Yo Andy, Stringer Bell is in this!!! He lives.
  16. brianoak


    I know I wouldn't buy one. A marshall will cost you a little more i.e DSL 100 or 50, they go for about 450-600 if you look around. Clean sound is great with a footswitchable reverb and good distortion sound too. I played through both those Laneys before and the DSL destroys them. If you ever...
  17. brianoak

    Large Mound,Flying Eyes(Canada),Lungs

  18. brianoak

    Shaving Ones Head

    I know... and condoms make your pubes fall out.
  19. brianoak

    Shaving Ones Head

    haha Im only messing man,I jut wanted to threaten a shooting.You know how it is.
  20. brianoak

    Shaving Ones Head

    Maybe you could take the picutres for me and we could some kind of thumped night around the gaff? Hey Pat I hope your not being sarcatic? I'll get you fucking shot.