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  • Users: jane
  • Content: Threads
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  1. jane

    Mod-ren life lifestyles

    A mate of mine wonders: [FONT=Arial] He's an archaeologist who works with artists, activists, and loads of other stuff, and sometimes does work that borders on being conceptual art. He's got deadly ideas. He's done some cool stuff with the protest camps at Greenham Common and in the Nevada...
  2. jane

    George Saunders Appreciation Thread

    Christ, he's fucking brilliant. Just finished Pastoralia and going back to In Persuasion Nation. Haven't read all of his stuff yet. Am afeared for the day I've reached the end of his work. He's still alive, so I might just write him a letter and tell him to get a move on. He's got a little...
  3. jane

    Thumped Confession/Absolution Thread

    Inspired by the '21 Demands' thread that turned into a Books What I Never Brought Back To The Library thread, here's a thread for confessing sins. Assignation of penance is open to all. If you have received absolution for your sins, you may show the wronged party this thread -- no harm done...
  4. jane

    Prime Time last night on "Migrant Workers"

    I just watched the podcast of this. Fucking livid, I am. People didn't even have their fucking facts right. Tony Killeen hasn't a clue what he's talking about because holy hell, NONE of those people they interviewed are eligible for a work permit at all anymore because no longer are non-EU...
  5. jane

    Ann Coulter Does a Doozy

    I'm simultaneously aghast that anyone still allows this woman a public forum, and gigglingly amused at watching her continue to dig her own hole:
  6. jane


    I'm at home on a Friday night, I'm totally sober, and all I can think about is how I can't fucking WAIT for the FUCKING EUROVISION. Good fucking Christ, I love Eurovision. Just about two months to go! Best thing about the fall of the Iron Curtain was that they replaced it with a bearskin...
  7. jane

    If Thumped were a cop show...

    The "Untitled JohnnyRaz and Jane Project" got me thinking -- if Thumped were a cop show, what would everyone be? *johnnystress is our sketch artist, of course. *Buzzo is the public defender *Goff is the old school dude whom everyone trusts but who also learned the hard way not to rock the...
  8. jane

    Happy Animal Thoughts Thread

    ...-- she can't lay still for long enough, and any time they try to turn her over, she barfs and has projectile diarrhea all over the vet (in true R*****o stylee, she hasn't lost her sense of humour). But she's not absorbing any nutrition, she's lost about 15-20% of her body weight, and it's...
  9. jane

    This is a thread for recommending yummy herbal teas

    Got some Kingfisher Winter Apple Tea at the Farmer's Market in Dun Laoghaire over the weekend. Two cups of it last night. Wept with pleasure. Wow. OMG. Seriously. OMG. But buy it at the market if you can -- it's way more expensive in the shops than buying it directly from the stall...
  10. jane

    Wexford (Yeah, seriously.)

    We were thinking of trying to get away for the weekend, on the offchance that wankers haven't booked up everything for stupid Valentine's day. Anyone gone on a weekend there lately and know any decent hotels, or even any tips on where to go? We don't have a car, and were hoping for somewhere...
  11. jane

    Roisin appreciation thread

    I can't remember if we've had one of these before, but if we haven't, we're long overdue. I adore Roisin because she's totally honest and she's ballsy and funny doesn't take bullshit, and, I dunno, she's just plain awesome, and continues to get awesomer and funnier. I dunno how to truly say...
  12. jane

    The greatest fruit ever?

    I almost hesitate to post this because I'm worried everyone will go there and buy them up, and then when I go back later today to get more, they'll be gone, but the fragrant pears in the Asia Market on Drury St have to be the most incredible fruits on the entire planet. They really do have a...
  13. jane

    Dear cunt driving 03 SUV

    If I had the tag number, I'd post it all over the fucking internet. I saw you slow down and take note of the RED LIGHT and PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, which was red, and not amber by the time you got to it. Then I saw you take note of me, IN THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, crossing AT THE GREEN MAN. On a...
  14. jane

    I'm having an atrocious week.

    Could something go right for me, please? Something? Anyone have a bright side? Because I'm all out.
  15. jane

    Reh Dogg -- life-affirming R&B

    I don't really know what to say. I like the showery parts because sometimes he's wet and sometimes he's dry, and he appears to be drying himself with toilet paper, which is probably enough to answer the question he keeps asking...
  16. jane

    National Sanctity of Human Life Day

    This is interesting:
  17. jane

    Hillary Announces US Presidential Candidacy

    I don't know why I'm surprised, but I guess I sort of am. There's a link on that site to the possible candidates, and some of them are fucking scary. Weirdly, Mitt Romney, Republican governor of Massachusetts is thinking of...
  18. jane

    What did you make last night?

    After a very, very silly attempt to go into town yesterday, we returned home with defeated spirits, a fierce hunger, a lack of will to leave the house, and a continuing need to use up food in the fridge. So I made a nice salad of rocket, basil and baby spinach with vine tomatoes and just a...
  19. jane

    X Appreciation Thread

    Does what it says on the title. I still want to be Exene Cervenka. This has been the case for probably 17 or 18 years, so I reckon it's terminal. They've just re-released a bunch of stuff, and fuck it, even though they are ambivalent about See How We Are, I fucking love it. I :heart: X.
  20. jane

    Ray Bradbury's Vision of the Future

    Remember the Cold War? Stupid question. But anyway, I was looking to see if the text of Ray Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains" was online, and it is, in a number of places. If you've not read it, it's absolutely stunning: BUT...