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  • Users: jane
  • Content: Threads
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  1. jane

    Ethical sports gear

    Someone on a running forum I'm on asked about ethical sporting goods companies, and it's got me thinkin'. I know that New Balance and Brooks (the former being a shoe I've never liked, but thankfully, the latter being my most-loved brand of shoe) are a bit more ethically conscious on the shoe...
  2. jane

    Posters you miss

    Glen. FancyGoods. Chutneyfarmer and Eoddy Gorilla (I saw Robert Goulet in an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and it brought a tear to my eye). Lots of others, but we'll start there for now. Maybe we can lure some of them back to our little universe of in-jokes and childish silliness. I don't...
  3. jane

    Casual anti-Americanism

    This is absolutely not directed at anyone one Thumped, just a general whinge. I just got back after a month in the States, and I'm only now realising how much I'm bothered by the amount of casual anti-Americanism here in Ireland. Just wanted to say that. 'kay, thanks.
  4. jane

    Picnic Food Thread

    This is a thread for posting up stuff you: * Have brought to a picnic and found kept really well and was a smart idea * Have brought to a picnic and found that it was a big mistake * Would like to eat at a picnic * Have eaten at a picnic. Apart from the obvious sandwiches, thing, obviously...
  5. jane

    Celebrity Biography Exchange (Trash only)

    I've just finished Jordan's latest 'autobiography', and while I don't feel it made me any smarter, it did teach me the word 'dickalicious'. I spent my hard-earned Hodges Figgis loyalty cards on it, and now I would like to read some more celebrity rubbish. I was wondering if anyone would like...
  6. jane

    That R Kelly thread...

    ...anyone know where it is? Just looked, and couldn't find it. Listen to this: I want to hear the whole thing now.
  7. jane


    I have a blister forming in my navel from running yesterday, and another started to form under my arm. I forgot how cotton clothing can chafe, and I wasn't fast enough taking my top off and running in my sportsbra. And me running in a sportsbra isn't good for the community, as there is a real...
  8. jane

    Interesting article on Muzak

    Interesting, if somewhat creepy article on Muzak from the New Yorker a few weeks ago: As if it weren't rubbed in our faces enough, the Muzak company does not pipe music into the elevators in its coroporate headquarters. Muzak: the...
  9. jane

    Food poisoning?

    Maybe I'm overreacting, but I just bought a smoothie from a Spar shop, took a big fucking swig, and it turned out it was totally and completely rancid. I checked the lid, and it was a week out of date. I took it back, and got my money back, but I feel like I'm about to puke my whole digestive...
  10. jane


    Does anyone know where I can look to find out how one goes about setting up a non-profit organisation in Ireland? Any advice on where to start looking would be rockin'.
  11. jane

    No thanks to me....

    What's the story, dude? I'm gonna renew. This shit makes me feel as guilty as chuggers used to. Although, I'm very much amused by the fact that if you click on my name, it links you to this: If you're looking for more...
  12. jane

    Sopranos Spoiler Spilling: SPOILERS!

    Dudes, if you are reading this and you haven't seen Season 6, Episode 1, just stop now. Trust me on this. If you're still reading: do you think Junior knew he did it? I mean, obviously, the cliffhanger is not 'Will Tony live?' because we know that, even if he's going to be killed off, it...
  13. jane

    A thread about baking tasty treats

    Given that I love to bake, and yet am now faced with the terrible reality of an intolerance to wheat that is just getting WORSE, I've started experimenting with wheat-free baking. I hate those shitty fake baked goods that taste like sawdust because they are made of sawdust, and I fucking hate...
  14. jane

    I know, Glen, NO PIANOS, but still...

    ....can you make an exception? One of my US students is hoping to find a place she can go in Dublin where she can practice piano. She can't use the ones in the University because she's not studying music there, and I don't think she's looking for piano lessons. Anyone know of a place she can...
  15. jane

    Jane and La La's Baby Animal Love Thread

    Me and La La have 'registered our admiration' for one another at a quiet civil ceremony, and we would like to celebrate this by introducing you to some of our baby animal friends. Pandababy sang at the service. It was un-bear-ably cute. Nothing like a little baby boybear soprano. This...
  16. jane


    ...else on the internet, but here, I would like to leave it open for you to nominate someone for the 2006 Icky Awards. Who is the worst Irish celebrity*? We'll be holding this in The Point next year, or possibly doling out Ickies in the car park outside of "The Meteors". Winners of the...
  17. jane

    Le Tigre Question

    Serious question: is it possible to listen to Le Tigre and not ROCK THE FUCK OUT? Just wondering. I'm worried. I can't stop. Even after I've turned it off, I can't stop. I'm dancing while I write this. I dance at the mirror, I bust moves that a woman of my age should avoid at all costs. I...
  18. jane

    La La!

    I just decided that my week is ALREADY so mental (and as I worked all weekend, is really a continuation of last week anyway) that I am going to consider taking your advice. I may have to SHIT ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE. PS: I presume you have seen, right? In any case, if...
  19. jane

    Happy Birthday Righteous Harmony!

    Congratulations on being one year closer to being of interest to people like ourselves: Hope it's happy, and hope you find some more stratified porno.
  20. jane

    Men's Hat Shops

    Does anyone know a good shop in Dublin to buy some nifty men's hats? The dudes in my fambily are gettin' those from me this year. None of your diddlyirish stuff, though I think the tweed place on Nassau St does have nice stuff in addition to jumpers and beshamrocked flat caps. I just wonder...