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  • Before: Aug 1, 2007
  • Users: mackle
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  1. mackle

    Age gap in relationships?

    Fuck that does she have a cam?
  2. mackle

    Yellow Swans Irish Tour starts tomorrow!

    Looking forward to Wednesday night. Should be killer!
  3. mackle

    Led Zeppelin-Best album???

    Ah I dont know. I really like his lyrics. So cheesy its great! Such a fantastic singer though. Definitley pretty amazing how they just fired such consistently good records out. More stamina in those day .|..|
  4. mackle

    THREADS eire tour mid august

    mmh its a mystery isnt it?
  5. mackle

    THREADS eire tour mid august

    Bassist and a drummer and some hired help these days I think
  6. mackle

    Led Zeppelin-Best album???

    Found my dads old LPs of their albums so been listening to them quite a bit lately for the first time in a few years. Such a fuckin brilliant band! Whats everyone favourite album? Gonna be Physical Grafiti or Led Zep 4 for me. Though Presence could get it just for Achillies Last Stand!
  7. mackle

    playlist time

    LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver Dinosaur Jr- Green Mind Grief- Miserably Ever After Bruce Springsteen- Born to Run Bolt Thrower- Warmaster Led Zep- Presence Voivod- Killing Technology Celtic Frost- Morbid Tales
  8. mackle

    THREADS eire tour mid august

    Or what remains of Sepultura!
  9. mackle

    mars planets

    They're on sale up North. Have been for a while. They arent great. I was really hoping for more Malteasers in them
  10. mackle

    Annihilation Time 'Cosmic Unconsciousness' 7"

    One of my favourite hardcore bands.
  11. mackle

    31st May Lower Deck gig? Link to a song from the Drainland demo. Don't think its on myspace yet though
  12. mackle

    Are the reformed Slint worth going to see?

    Nah he's too busy reforming Zwan
  13. mackle

    31st May Lower Deck gig?

    Brilliiant band though. Looking forward to seeing them live
  14. mackle

    Amazing Black Metal Pictures

  15. mackle

    Amazing Black Metal Pictures

    Fuckin' love Fenriz and his silly words "It kills me to see 20,000 people enjoy black metal" Legend!
  16. mackle

    31st May Lower Deck gig?

    16th of August with Army of Flying Robots and Drainland in the Lower Deck :) Not to sure what Wereju and Bats are like but Altar of Plagues are really great black metal stuff. Sorta like Wolves in Throne Room rather than Darkthrone. One of the most interesting Irish bands I've heard in a while...
  17. mackle

    31st May Lower Deck gig?

    Really looking forward to this one
  18. mackle

    Finished school today, forever!!

    Finished school about 2 weeks back. Was a bit of an anticlimax(sp?). Last exam next Tuesday hope I get a better feeling leaving that exam. Just want that "YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS NOOOOOOOO MORE SCHOOL EVER AGAIN" feeling so much.
  19. mackle

    exam blues

    Frist one yesterday. Went well I think. One more next Tuesday. Havent a clue about it though and I can't see it changing. Totally fucked. Should I care?
  20. mackle

    "Dont be fucking ringing mobiles off the house phone!!"

    Ringing me drunk from your parents phone probably added loads to the bill I'd say!