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  1. São Paulo Punk

    [Sunday Business Post] Irish music industry hit by downloading

    It's just a shame that they don't hold the same policy for their live events.
  2. São Paulo Punk

    Relationships - what is the point?

    If the parents are responsible enough, they'll realise that a broken-down relationship is better ended for the sake of the child's welfare and sense of security. Otherwise, you're just messing your kid around and that's not fair.
  3. São Paulo Punk

    2007 Eirecore awards

    Hahahaha. More Moutpiece for 2008, please! They were fucking savage in the Lower Deck a few weeks ago, and at Qui as well. Gary = pure guitarist entertainment; a wonderful experience to watch
  4. São Paulo Punk

    2007 Eirecore awards

    This year I learned that after just over 10 years of being a part of the punk scene I am one of the luckiest fuckers on the planet to have so many really good friends who have helped me out through some awful shit times. Whatever about the musical differences, I dont think that many here can...
  5. São Paulo Punk

    FOREVER presents The Redneck Manifesto

    Ronan Jackson is a ride!
  6. São Paulo Punk

    The Mero thread

    Eh, hello? this is the punk scene after all. Duh!
  7. São Paulo Punk

    Worst NYE ever...

    2001 - Goiania, Brazil: just broken up with girlfriend whose house i was still living in as I had nowhere else to stay - got really drunk at a party there, went walkies on my own in a slightly dodgy neighbourhood, past-out behind a wall and then everyone from the party was out walking the...
  8. São Paulo Punk

    translation query

    Ich nichten lichten? Trinta percenta?
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Organised Ideas Presents: BATS EP LAUNCH With Crayonsmith ,Terrordactyl + Sarsparilla

    Re: Organised Ideas Presents: BATS EP LAUNCH With Crayonsmith ,Terrordactyl + Sarspar I have a hangover.
  10. São Paulo Punk

    Scott Gorham

    Just saw this message from the official Thin Lizzy myspace profile. Seems like a pretty shit buzz but hopefully he'll pull through. It musn't be easy for his family at a time like this. The tour manager says that he might not make it...
  11. São Paulo Punk

    "Facts" about asylum seekers!

    I know a Brazilian who made that point to an American girl at a party once, subsequently reducing her to tears...
  12. São Paulo Punk

    David Norris.

    Deathwish 3 is my favourite.
  13. São Paulo Punk

    David Norris.

    Yeah, Brasseye is pretty funny.
  14. São Paulo Punk

    this tuesday! (dec 11) high on fire & pelican

    I think that Matt Pike looks almost too metal to be true ,and that's half the attraction of the live show. It's not just the sound, but the visual dress, the shear passion behind the playing, and the enthusiasm of Pike from the first chord of the set to the last. I can't think of anyone else who...
  15. São Paulo Punk

    this tuesday! (dec 11) high on fire & pelican

    High on Fire was a good choice. The exam went well in the end too though my brain was working pretty slow. I managed to leave before the last half hour as well. Shit, maybe it didnt go all that well. Anyway, who cares? High on Fire were amazing. Some comedy fighting too! fabulous...
  16. São Paulo Punk

    Boyz II Men - dublin

    'End of the Road'. YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. São Paulo Punk

    Durex Play

    If you got two of them, drew pupils on the end of them and attached the rings to the frame of an old pair of specs, I'd say they'd make for some novelty 'crazy-eye' glasses.