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  1. São Paulo Punk

    Large Mound performing Raised On Rock: Fri June 6th

    This is the day after I finish my exams! Im gonna be soooo steaming at this! The perfect way to forget about school and let the summer times role! Ouch!!!.|..|.|..|
  2. São Paulo Punk

    Roadburn 2008

    This time last week I could barely walk. :(
  3. São Paulo Punk

    Roadburn 2008

    This was amazing. Can barely remember what any of the bands were like. Witch had really nice t-shirts for sale, Boris too. Musical highlights for me were PISS STAAT and REALISTIC TRAIN. Hanging out by the wheel bins in the lane beside the venue was also amazing. Found a clothes shop in the...
  4. São Paulo Punk

    Witchcraft in Ireland at last!

    I dunno. Witchcraft seemed to kind of amble through their set. The singer looked a little bored at times, I thought. Maybe he's sick or something. Danava were pretty rockin though. The singers fringe was amazing!
  5. São Paulo Punk

    Roadburn 2008

    YES! Dunchee = Legend (who talked me into going when i was drunk a few months ago, booked my tickets and flights for me with his credit card and has now booked my camping too)
  6. São Paulo Punk

    New Ungdomshuset

    Why doesnt Seomra Spraoi do more cool stuff like this?
  7. São Paulo Punk

    Seomra Spraoi presents: Scoil Spraoi -Social Centres Gathering 11/12 April

    I think that the title 'Social Centre' is a bit misleading and probably doesn't translate over here too well from the context that it's used within in Europe. It used to confuse me a little, but Seomra Spraoi as an idea/space is geared more towards the creation of a kind of 'alternative'...
  8. São Paulo Punk

    Irish hc/punk bands are different?

    Irish punks dont have the attention span to play the same kind of style of music for more than 2 minutes. They get distracted.
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Bertie's out

    News Just in: Former Republic of Ireland manager Jack Charlton named as new FF leader.
  10. São Paulo Punk

    March for a Decent Public Health Service

    Dunno bout that, but there 'May' be something coming up the following month.... tee-hee.....
  11. São Paulo Punk

    Happy Restarts - copied from MySpace

    And to be fair, hanging around central bank is for the most part, as far as I can remember, boring as fuck. Unless you feel like getting HYPER or giving HUGS to everyone.
  12. São Paulo Punk

    Happy Restarts - copied from MySpace

    When i was on the dole in England it was 80 quid a fortnight. Almost 10 years later and it's still at 80 quid!?!?!?!?!?!? IT BEGGARS BELIEF! The Irish dole must have almost doubled over this same period of time. Must be down to the socialist government.
  13. São Paulo Punk

    International Women's Day 2008

    "baps, fucking and cooking, inside out mickeys, stella artois, wimmens fillums, women are deadly" Such tags!
  14. São Paulo Punk

    Super Extra Bonus Party win the Choice prize.

    Well done, the lads!!!
  15. São Paulo Punk

    Happy Birthday to Brian Conniffe

    Shit! This was yesterday! happy B-day Mr. Conniffe. I'll try to catch you in work today! All the best, OWensie
  16. São Paulo Punk

    Childhood Photos

    Every time I see that poster it takes me about 10 minutes to stop looking at it.
  17. São Paulo Punk


    Stayed in an anarchist squat in Leeds for a while years ago whose occupants referred to the 'extension' at the back fo the house as the 'annex', as in: -"Where's Timothy?" -"Hmmm, well... I think he's out in the annex... hmm..." Took my tiny Irish mind weeks to figure out what the fuck...
  18. São Paulo Punk

    When your boyfriends ex is a complete psychopath?

    If it persists, why not go down to the District Court and take out a Barring Order. That kind of 'going to kill myself' texting stuff counts as a form of harrassment. Then the person will be sent a court summons, which generally scares the shit out of people, and will most likely cop the fuck...
  19. São Paulo Punk

    Ballroom #73: Papier Tigre (FRA), The Lower Deck, Feb 23rd

    I ended up putting these guys up on Saturday night after the gig. I was asleep by the time they got in and then they were still asleep in the morning when I went out for breakfast, only to come back an hour later to discover that they'd already left for Rosslare. Didn't even talk to them...
  20. São Paulo Punk

    mad fella on the train..

    Believe it or not, this morning (in Trinner's, loike) whilst taking a dump in the Buttery toilets I looked down to the ground and spotted a piece of scorched tinfoil and then a big dirty syringe, right beside my foot!:mad: Fucking students!