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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R


    "skipping" donal and dara brought about 200 bars (milky bar chunkies, kitkat chunkys, aeros and nestle double chocolate) to the AAA picnic on sunday. all skipped. I always hear about how town people have skipped really lavish things like fancy cheese and wine. Poshies. All we get down here is...
  2. R

    Poxy proxy

    they are both on automatically detect settings. I'm going to try and reinstall internet explorer. Is there any IM program that's compatable with firefox?
  3. R

    Kiddies being bullied

    Fighting worked for me in one case. Some stupid bint used to constantly undermine and piss me off in first year. By having just one violent 40 second episode with her: 1. the bullying stopped 2. she told on me and i got in loads of trouble 3. we both got over it 4. we're sound to each other...
  4. R

    Thread Title

    rolling eyes smilie
  5. R

    Poxy proxy

    Internet explorer will not work. I can open the program but it won't load any sites. msn try to connect but can't because of "key port" problems. but firefox works perfectly. ? I've tried screwing around with my LAN, but nothing happens. It's nothing to do with the firewall. I wouldn't mind so...
  6. R

    Red and grey is the new black

    Leggings, legwarmers and footless tights are great, i've been wearing them for years. Shame about Girls Aloud ruining them for everyone. Now all I see in town is large women with their feet overfilling their high heeled pumps and stupid neutral leggings with the exact same pocka dot skirts.
  7. R

    Thread Title

    gards dressed as skangers.
  8. R

    Thread Title

    why is the word ******** censored? why is the word ******** censored? why is the word ******** censored? why is the word ******** censored? why is the word ******** censored?
  9. R


    My schools shit poor but back in the sixties it was fee paying so they got loads of fancy things like a language lab (that was used twice), 4000 virgin mary statues and a trampette. A trampette is a slanting metal framed tiny trampoline. You run up to it, jump on it and it propels you forward...
  10. R


    ours creates a lot of static. You often get shocks when you touch things after jumping for quite a while. One time my little sister got the cat to get on it and as she petted it she got a shock. For months she thought the cat had maliciously electrocuted her...
  11. R

    Emotion Filled Acting on Fair City

    keith duffy school of acting, lods.
  12. R

    Budget lunch

    at the end of the day, a one euro Marks and Spencers brie, grape and rocket sandwhich is deadly.
  13. R


    second that. I've been using it for four years and it's very easy to take.
  14. R

    Little things that make your day.

    Yesterday, on the top floor of the 84,I stood up, pulled down my pants and knickers and successfully changed my fanny pad, while mooning the american embassy.
  15. R

    Ladies: latest amazing makeup discoveries

    it's all about making a living off womens insecurities. Cellulite and Anti-aging creams are up there along with foundation, fake tan, ladyshaves, spot creams, "freshness wipes" and body sprays and douche bags. Make up is something I bought into when I was younger and without it I didn't...
  16. R

    Ladies: latest amazing makeup discoveries

    make up is the biggest cod ever.
  17. R

    natural family planning

    I started taking it over 3 weeks ago and have felt like shit since. My doctor said nothing about it taking time to get used to, but I read up on the pill and it said that you can bleed from 10% to 55% of the time during the first 3 months. I think I've been bleeding 80% of the time. It's like a...
  18. R

    natural family planning

    Ladies who changed pill because of breakthrough bleeding: how long were you on the pill that gave you breakthrough bleeding before you changed? what brand of pill did you switch to?
  19. R

    Lesbians on Ecstasy + Queen Kong

    this looks savage
  20. R


    correction, you want Edser to protect you from us bating the 7 shades out of you, grandad!!