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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Big Brother

    did you see the imogen sex tape? "fuuuckin heh-ull tony" horrible stuff. big turn off...
  2. R

    the pure beers and the not so pure beers...

    the Porterhouse in Bray (and apparently theres one in town) have house brews that are very pure. They list the ingredients of theirs and the mainstream beers so you can compare. They even have strawberry beer...
  3. R

    charity shops in london

    cos i'm too scruffy. ps thanks guys
  4. R

    leechrum fest

    whats the best way of getting up to Leechrum?
  5. R

    charity shops in london

    I was just wondering if there was a good area in london for charity shops and vintage shops? I'm going during the week so I know none of the large markets will be on, but are there any others?
  6. R

    Lip Piercings

    saying that though one of my friends who's 17 strongely recommended i don't get it till i'm 18 because your breasts are still developing and changing. she had to take hers out a month ago because it had became really painful, and she'd had it done for a year.
  7. R


    that feeling of under estimating the size of the lid of buckfast, swigging and it going all over your face and crust blouse. not cool.
  8. R

    Lip Piercings

    I presume about 3 months... that's the average right? has anyone seen that Meteor ad on the darts "everyones get along" and this big pierced ear stretched punk is there having great craic with these irish models. wtf!! actually does anyone know him? what self respecting... ehm he's wearing a...
  9. R

    Kiss fruit cider

    it's just vanilla but i'd say they're deadly when you mix them. the only flavours that became sickening were melon-raspberry and wildberry. But naturally it's better than drinking hollandia sitting in a shrub by the canal right right right
  10. R

    Kiss fruit cider

    Kopparberg can fuck off. This stuff is better and cheaper. It comes in pear, raspberry and melon, vanilla and wildberry flavas. it's 2 quid a can! and they have 7% ones too. Its really easy to drink, the pear one most of all because they others are a bit sweet. and... you can only get it in...
  11. R

    Dead Man's Chest

    I think there were times when it was just too ridiculous. Like the fight on top of the rolling mill...
  12. R

    Arnocops/Complan/RSXS - Dublin Sat 8 July

    "weere not identical!"
  13. R

    spanish jail bait

    'ey ju don't know what age we are but we like you.
  14. R

    off the biscuits

    maryland cookies... 100% extra free but turns to shite when you dip in tea
  15. R

    Twinings Fruit Teas

    yeah the variety packs... there seems to be endless boxes of them here with only the lemon left. (who drinks lemon tea??? it's like a drugless lemsip) health food shops have nicer, more beneficial ones.
  16. R

    Sleater Kinney to play Dublin in August!

    I came to this thread thinking "they're playing this august again. YAY!" only to find they've broken up :( x 1000000
  17. R

    Favourite Summer Drinks

    wow you guys spend so much on drink. I thought 35 euro was insane...
  18. R

    Favourite Summer Drinks

    My 19 yr old brother and I have been looking for things to mix or have our absinthe with. I suggest cognac after reading this and he came home yesterday with a 35 euro bottle of it...:eek: I mixed absinthe with cidona and it tastes great. it tastes great with everything, it's a miracle spirit...
  19. R

    lidl Mexico Mix

    why do they put fish powder and fish oils in things? it doesn't taste any different... hellmens burger sauce has fish in it too. :( oh and most teatime express cakes have refined animal oil in them. wtf
  20. R

    new zine "Banshee" out now

    Embarrassing Trivia: all the copies I sold yesterday... well i misspelled the title. there's 20 BANSEE's floating around now... oh god! I am fixing the rest. how typical! anyhow i'll organise myself when i get home (currently at fellas house)