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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    ....Wacko and phill

    What was the Tatum O'Neill thing? Was that at the beginning? Cos I missed the beginning.:rolleyes:
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    ....Wacko and phill

    He's a NONCE-STER I kind of liked him for a while, in the way that one would like looking at a documentary on a cute but unintentionally poisionous snake.....but then the way he was bringing up his own children - Holy Shit! How isolated can a parent legally allow their child to be? He's a...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    You know, despite the mondayness and the tiredosity there is a distinct cut in my strut, a glide, if you will, in my stride, which nothing short of a serious bollocking from my boss (may yet happen) is going to get rid of. Saturday was class. :D Good luck Joss. Edit: P.S. Anybody get to...
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    Howya. I had a great weekend, but it has come to this sad and lonesome pass...... Oh well. I have to get freaky with the work for a while, but I shall return. P.S. if'n you ain't too busy, Joss, thiss oughta cheer you up. ......But...
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    .....secret! ha! SO: I had a brilliant night. As a matter of interest, did anyone who lives here go?
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    GeddUP them stairs before I plug you one. Ah.....the tyranny of the blank reply field. Cold out, ain't it? (oooooooook. here we go...) Still, no matter how cold it is here, it's colder stil in the evil black hearts of Papercop, who by the way are plying...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Things tour

    Re: Late hour problems: Help!! Hey, we can now finally and irrevocably DO the 28th of March. Sorry about that.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom #9 Review

    Din't see Hot Piss (ha ha haaaa! Snort), but the Ballroom emerged pretty much unscathed from being reviewed in the new Slate. It was non-committal but broadly positive, which is plenty better than most live music clubs get. Here, what's the story with the March Ballrooms? Is stuff sorted out?
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    "a forum full of reds"

    David No-one? I don't reckon that's really his name.....:confused: This guy really is a shit. At least Thumped got props for being unpleasant to him!
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    the concept

    Pantone Pantone, The book I read seemed to be pretty exhaustive on the subject of predicting acoustics, the guy seemed to have done a lot of successful projects himself. He concluded that for any shape - outside of a simple shoebox shape - the maths just isn't there to work out all the...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    the concept

    I'm not so sure.....As far as I know, shape of an auditorium is only really important when the music is not amplified. The position, type and number of speakers is far more important when you're talking about really loud music. The Ambassador is awful. I have been to about 6 gigs there and...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work 32(1 Contact)

    After I had broken a comb in a playground incident that was both regrettable and childish, this kid from my class came up to me and said that I had just set the banshee (Supposedly the one that lived IN the comb) free, and it would get me or someone out of my family. It probably didn't even...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work 32(1 Contact)

    You know that thing about the comb and the banshee? Haunted my fucking LIFE for about a year. Horrible superstition spreading bastards.
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    Ah hair me gowl
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    HUP!!!! HYAAAAA!! GIDDUP!!!! YAAAA!!!! So as we were saying a few days ago...come to Thomas House upstairs on Saturday night for good times. It's better than the Woolpack, the Vic, the Surf Club, and the Rovers all rolled into one bar of soap (See? See what I was doing there?) and errm...
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Things tour

    Axe me rasher Gotchooo. Will be back with queries, begging and sinister gypsy curses latre, homes. By the way, if anybody is browsing around that list above, and wants a swap, give me a shout. thanks B
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Things tour

    Late hour problems: Help!! Hi. El Diablo is down to play the 28th March gig in Galway. But this is a big problem for us as one of the band will be abroad - unavoidably - for that week. Can anybody help out with a swap? It's a sickener of a gig to have to give up, it's with stoat, settler and...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    listen alla y'all..

    Capshool Capsule is deadly, really good. I've been there a few times, and it seems to get a good crowd. The music is more electronic based than Lazybird, it's kinda heading towards Fakearms territory stylewise. It's free (As far as I know) by the way. :D
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    fun fun fun

    There was a brilliant wind-up on the forum of doing exactly this about 2 years ago. I caught a couple of the entries, it was really cool. They did shit like enter poetry, except the poetry was all in acrostics, so the first letter of each line would spell out...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Bored in Work 31

    Hang on..... Bowler (pronounced "Bough-ler", not the other way) Blonkers and his brother, Shagger. And my two all time personal favourites, Soup and Soss God bless Fridays is all I can say.