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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    SHEEP ON DRUGS !?+velvetron Friday 16th May, 2003

    Fif-teen minutes of fame! Fuck it. I can't believe I forgot about this. It would have been great fun. I don't think they're rubbish by the way, just good noisy electro-rock. Mr there? How was it?
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    Halfset were great, in fact the whole night was really good. For me, the best bit of the night was hearing the Mr. Creosote song played over the big speakers and sounding fantastic. Everybody in the band thinks Steve Shannon is a Thanks again Allen and Billy.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    Giddaaaaap Like this thread really needs another HUUUUUUP!!!!
  4. Burgerbarbaby


    Thickaspigshit, seriously: 1. The Ballroom IS on. 2. Ah for fucks sake etc
  5. Burgerbarbaby


    ha ha ha! :) Someone better tell all the bands that it isn't on so that they don't come.
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Calla :tour Dates

    Re: CALLA MERCH: Brilliant. Cheers.
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Calla :tour Dates

    Never Satisfied! Interesting. Tell me more. ;) Do you know if they're bringing over Crumbles Recovery and TenEcke stuff with them? I have MP3's but they're short, and I'd like to hear more. Especially Crumbles Recovery Edit: By the way, I wasn't just having a go at your press...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Ballroom of Romance # 15 Friday, 25th April 2003

    the HUPple telescope Here com' di ot steppa! I'm really looking forward to Halfset and Steerage. Don't know Maersk, but I expect my pleasure to be provoked. Mr Creosote will knock your pop-socks off. Seriously.
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Calla :tour Dates

    Re: Re: Gwan the Calla Ha ha! You put it so much more eloquently than I ever could. :)
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Calla :tour Dates

    Gwan the Calla Does anyone else think these promtional blurbs are irritating and condescending? Not just this one by the way, pretty much all of them are full of the same overblown rubbish. They get to the same irritation string in my neck that gets twanged when I watch those "because you're...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    First Crush! Do it.
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    Re: Cats that bark ...who is playing in the Village with Headgear, John Hegarty and Margaret Healy. It's on tomorrow night and it costs 8 Euros. Sorted.
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    Go fuck yourself. There. I think that's the reaction you wanted, non?
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    Don't mug yourself: Go mug yourself P.S. Andy: Props on Magic Band. Best band ever.
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    ok. That's it. Everybody everywhere, drop everything, and meet me at the corner of Leeson St. and Stephen's green for a fucking fight. Jayses.
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    Gibberish ? It's not hard to find this stuff around the place you know. Start with the Imrpovised Music Company. Ah now. You really should start listening to some "abstract electronica". Usually very ecletic, these abstract electronicists
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    ok dude, I don't have a problem with you not liking the music I mentioned, but you need to get your ears syringed a few times if you can seriously call those bands derivative, while claiming that the Chalets "Broke this mould". Good god. Seriously...... Have you seen Gregor57?
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    More stuff......And just for the record it includes "abstract electronica"..... The Last Sound, Mr. Creosote, Formika, Murmansk, Jimmy Behan, Decal, Schroeder's Cat/Schroedersound, the Tuesday night jazz band in the International, all the Front End Synthetics stuff (Ambulance, Spectac etc)...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Anything new / exciting out there??

    OK, here's skinnygood newbeat in a local stylee: Rollers/Sparkers Gregor57 Wormholes Saso
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    THiNGS on the wireless

    Hear hear. Well done to everybody for making a success of it. A monster undertaking which seems to have turned out extremely well.