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  1. nooleen


    Would this be hip hop or punk that is superficially extremely attuned to discrimination while still being clownishly misogynistic?
  2. nooleen


    I'm sorry I called all men pricks and rapists. I've been reading feminist literature and got riled up.
  3. rettucs


    brains does not equate to intelligence. common sense does and you have buckets of that and you're a smart fucker too.
  4. nooleen

    Unpopular Opinions

    Yeah but there's probably a pic somewhere of him shattering her femur for a minor insult "Let's see you finish junior infants now" I thought
  5. nooleen


    I find it very difficult to learn things without doing them for myself--I often feel like an idiot insisting on seeing how a thing is done. But I think most humans learn best by seeing and doing.
  6. N


    Lots of brainy people on here!
  7. therealjohnny

    Unpopular Opinions

    I met him at a book signing. He smiled awkwardly and politely as I awkwardly and politely smiled and shook his hand.
  8. Jill Hives

    Major Pleasures

    Over the last month I have seen a huge difference in my mood, in a positive way. This is my last week in work before having a month off to celebrate with those I love. My family arrives next week and I get to see my 82 year old mum. ❤️ All good things.
  9. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    Roy probably got only fleeting enjoyment out of all of his success and took the rare defeats very badly - very hard on himself. There was a lovely funny family story in Roy's books from immediately after he retired. Roy was very stressed. He decided to talk to his kids who were watching TV...
  10. dudley


    For sure, you've more smarts and a better grip on a lot of these topics than me at the very least!
  11. nooleen

    Unpopular Opinions

    Actually I shouldn't call him a piece of shit, he's obviously struggling with how to perform manhood in a terrifying world Or just a knob
  12. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    Mick McCarthy is a top gent is hugely liked in English football. There is a huge amount of ex footballers on podcasts etc. Telling hilarious stories about behind the scenes and having a laugh at themselves. e.g. Liverpool team had a huge drunken fight 10 days before 1984 European Cup Final in...
  13. rettucs


    ha, well this part is bollox. sorry to be so blunt, but.....
  14. nooleen

    Unpopular Opinions

    Although then again Mick McCarthy is probably fully sound and Roy is just a piece of shit
  15. egg_

    People Who Died

    During my recent hospital stay I went out for a walk at one stage - not much in the way of nice walks in that part of Drogheda, so I just walked around the graveyard across the road from the hospital. Most of the headstones had "Died at age 75" "Died aged 84" etc, but a surprising number of them...
  16. Unicron


    I passed by them a couple of weeks ago as I was on my way to Woodie's up the road. Bunch of losers.
  17. pavlos

    What you been listening to this week?

    My most recent 12: Melvins - Stag (2xLP) Grails - Take Refuge In Clean Living (LP) Sebadoh - Harmacy (tape) Dead Can Dance - Into The Labyrinth (tape) The John Coltrane Quartet - Crescent (LP) The John Coltrane Quartet - The John Coltrane Quartet Plays (LP) Danny Paul Grody Duo - Arc of Night...
  18. dudley


    Wordle 1,122 5/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜🟩⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  19. N


    Coolock Says No racist blockade protest has taken a violent turn this morning - I saw an image of arson just now.
  20. nooleen

    Unpopular Opinions

    Although stick it up your bollocks you English cunt is an evergreen quote