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  • Before: Dec 5, 2003
  • Users: mc moley
  • Order by date
  1. mc moley

    Get the bats and attitude ready...

    i know its gettin hard to recognise you townies yez are all startin to look the same!
  2. mc moley

    you dont see much of this round here....!

    yeah the gigs in the states are pretty fuckin hectic. actually the heaviest mosh pit ive ever been in was at fuckin less than jake!! believe it or not. and there was other hc bands playing that day too. the kids just seemed to go nuts for that shitty skacore! about 5 16 year old girls landed on...
  3. mc moley

    Grassroots Music Gathering!

    i cant fuckin go to this gig anymore....god damcollege assesments to do. i was lookin forward to it. shit buzz
  4. mc moley

    the coldspoon conspiracy (album launch)+ warlords of pez + waiting room (cork)

    actually stephen was with me warming up every single cold spoon we could find. there ya go no more conspiracy. the song you's are putting on the bone ass cd is real catchy. almost too catchy!!! ahh no tis deadly. not really a fan of the whispery bits on the album but the rockin bits are...
  5. mc moley

    Forstella Ford finished - Scene Police to follow.

    dear jesus im never going back again....i almost freaked out! couldnt fiqure out which was funnier.... the old women with their fingers in their ears when kid dump played the rediculous amount of stupid drunk ponces there. the last bands singers 'stage presence' the last bands singer the...
  6. mc moley

    Get the bats and attitude ready...

    yeah i gave one of you a number to ring.... 50 e a day (get 2/3 songs done) or one song for free and see how it grabs ya! gud gig last night by the should scream though, not sing. punks dont sing...they scream untill they spit out blood then grow a euro dread mullet. im gonna...
  7. mc moley

    Grassroots Music Gathering!

    and you said 'dude' so i reckon your both evenly as sad!! :D
  8. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    no way its way more fun sneaking around behind your back....ive been screwing damo for 3 months now and you didnt even have a fucking clue did ya? oly your more than welcome to join in if you can supply some cruelty free oil o lube of some sort.
  9. mc moley

    Forstella Ford finished - Scene Police to follow.

    damn straight! im in college now!! punk points for me! knowledge is power and all that?
  10. mc moley


    cough cough recorded in kilcoole cough get in touch cough about recording a song for free cough cough we'll even put out your (demo)release cough similar to what jamie did cough cough cough phew excuse me i hate those coughing fits.
  11. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    phew happy to hear it just ditch that poxy bitch jill and we can get down to it!!! yep you me and oil!!!how bout it? you game? thats strange about nobody givin ya assuming you were in touch with the amc, dave in longford, new noise and such?
  12. mc moley

    change of name

    hello just like to inform you that no compliance are no longer called no compliance.... we changed our name about a month ago to Langdon Beck. just thought i'd letyou's know....i dont venture into the general section much...but i dunno we've played gigs with coldspoon before so some of you...
  13. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    damo i hope your not annoyed about all of this im not out to get you or anything....just trying to clear up a sticky situation. why wont you return my calls? did you get those flowers i sent as a sign of reconsiliation??
  14. mc moley

    Grassroots Music Gathering! explain to me how to get to bolton street or where ever the fuck it is..... and one question...what time will lynched be going on at? (last bus and all!)
  15. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    damo did ask to play the kilcoole gig about a month ago but its been booked up for more than that now. and the band in question damo was complaining about being a cover band are actually releaseing their debut ep at the gig and its full of original songs. i said to damo i'd try and get him on...
  16. mc moley


    see now...isnt this better than going....ehh your a stupid indie head! theres actual conversation!! i know what your saying about the direct action thing weeler, but you've gotta take into consideration that some people like myself dont really know or care for politics all to much. like im...
  17. mc moley


    stephen hughes told me about this thread so i said id take a look at it and i couldnt fuckin make it to this point. i read up till the 7th page...then just skipped ahead. yous are making such fucking stupid arguments...and its going back and forth... ughh stupid indie fuckers...dumb punk kids...
  18. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    ok i didnt want it to come to this but oh well... us coolies are gonna bash you nerdlinger bong boys. everyone knows us coolies smoke more anyway!!! yeah thats right i said it, but dont worry everyones been thikning it for the last year or so now!! ha! next time i see any of you poncy lookin...
  19. mc moley

    Epic songs.

    i think we're alone now by tiffany!! great song!!
  20. mc moley


    the gig on tonight in the lower deck portabello.... as well as kilcoole sat week as well as bad grammar, not washing, and listening to the noisyest musik possible. then your on your way... but there's other things you have to do to be truely accepted. like kill a man with your bare hands...