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  1. R

    FOOD NOT BOMBS -- Galway

    I'd like to invite you to join us for a free cup (or two:)) of nice homemade veg soup this Friday (6th of April), at 1pm @ Eyre square. Since this is the first action like this done here by me and friends, it will be quite small (but the pot of soup will be quite big, hah) and so far I'm not...
  2. R

    Record/CD/Cassette/T-Shirt/Patch Distros

    Re: Record/T-Shirt/Patch Distros & Butter for you trousers sites. - lithuanian label. all kinds of stuff, from german beer-core to belarus gabbers. check out.
  3. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    varuka, well, you can check this , a one year old, very general report. how can it be possible to tell about what's going on in the scene? it would take a 20 page essay. anyway, 6 bands i would mention as...
  4. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    i'm not following you, so i'm out. this is too smart for me. daniel, as for me, i'm not going to 'cause any problems in upcoming shows in sally longs or whatever pub, be calm. peace.
  5. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    and what's more, piratecore, i don't put myself as a fucking 'dance pro', and you're just being cocky and and a smartass. you must be proud of your sense of humour, aren't you? don't bother answering.
  6. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    shit, what's wrong with you people? some of you are better at rhetoric miracles than some politics. like a motherfucking beboping john coltrane, take the theme, then reverse it few times and in the end make it completely another tune. i say, the most important thing in whatever dancing, be it...
  7. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    oh, i've just remembered politically correct way of saying old: chronologically advanced. hope i spelled that first terrible word correctly.
  8. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    well, look what the all-knowing Internet says about you under your name in posts: 'Old timer' :) haha, just kidding. old comparing to me, man, i mean you look all grown up and mature, not a kid anymore. ok now:)? don't worry, you've still got some rocking years left in your account.
  9. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    doesn't make sense in your message context. don't trust e-translators too much, because they are morons as well. need to kill, i agree completely. i just didn't notice that that other 'athletic chap' pissed somebody else too much. i don't know, he was ok with me. energetic, that's grand, music...
  10. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    demonica, it's hard to answer to you, because i don't understand meaning of condenscending. anyway, it's pretty possible that i'm a moron. spuded, i'm not very good in expressing my thoughts in english, it wasn't supposed to sound like blaming somebody that they are not doing anything. i was...
  11. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    i'm the guy that was being lifted by 'athletic chap'. damien, yes, there is a line. i don't think it was crossed yesterday, though. all i saw was lots of smiling faces and after the first surf kids were getting kinda opposite to being annoyed. i mean after i got down, it felt like there was an...
  12. R

    pogo & crowd surfing

    me and another guy got kicked out from Oi Polloi's gig in galway yesterday for damn crowd surfing. since i'm new to irish punk scene and where i come from, crowd surfing and hard moshing is ok, i'm starting to get the feeling, that punkrock in ireland is not very PUNK afterall. and when the...