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  • Before: Aug 4, 2006
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    Lets Hear It For:

  2. Beanstalk

    Happy Birthday to RED(tape)MENACE on 2nd August 2006

    Happiest of birthdays to you Pete .|..|
  3. Beanstalk


    My team was taken off my due to neglect...can't say I'm gutted...the layout of that site is atrocious.
  4. Beanstalk

    Happy Birthday to stunning, deafmute, Beanstalk, gugai on 28th July 2006

    Happy burrrtday picked a fine day to get born! Likewise to the other fellow lions, Gugai and deafmute. Thirty already...jaysus the years are flying by too quick...I remember in my youth, days used to feel like weeks...summer holidays felt like years...Tom Sawyer and Why Don't You...
  5. Beanstalk

    Midlands Unsigned LOCAL Acts Demo's !!

    Best of luck with this Kev...bout time Radio 3 had a homegrown slot that didn't include Declan Nerney and Micheal English! I'll send you in our latest tunes. What slot are you getting?
  6. Beanstalk

    Electronic Music not bloody Electronica

    Isn't electronica a broad term for electronic music minus the hard hitting kick? Then again I've seen stuff like Peaches and Beck labelled Electronica too.
  7. Beanstalk

    behringer dd100

    Here I'll sell this if ya like...I never use it... DOD DFX94 Digital Delay/Sampler Pm me if anyone's interested.
  8. Beanstalk

    New Music from Obsolete

  9. Beanstalk

    New Music from Obsolete your mother. Jaysus, Tyne you were up there no sleep for the Obsolete machine?
  10. Beanstalk

    assigning samples to midi keyboard

    Dudley, I recommend installing Kx drivers...they drive my crappy Audigy card a lot more efficiently than the ASIO driver, and they're free... They can be hard work routing the audio after you install them but once you do the puter works a lot quicker. As for...
  11. Beanstalk

    assigning samples to midi keyboard

    You could also try NI's 'Halion' or 'Battery'.
  12. Beanstalk

    (Mobile) Recording set-up

    Cheers Pete, I'll shall indeed pick your brain on Saturday..|..|
  13. Beanstalk

    (Mobile) Recording set-up

    Currently getting together a mobile recording setup, so I'm looking for some recommendations...I know its not ideal having a dedicated recording space, until I do, I'm thinking of going for the live gig and quality-demo market. SOUNDCARD: This is my main concern as I'd like a soundcard with...
  14. Beanstalk

    Pad Thai???

    Cheers for the tips folks...mmmmm...I'm ungry now.
  15. Beanstalk

    Pad Thai???

    Anyone know any Thai take aways of restaurants in the City Centre (dawblin) that do good Pad Thai? Can't seem to find a restaurant anywhere that does it.
  16. Beanstalk

    Cheapo studio time

    My bumps, my lovely lady bumps... check it out.
  17. Beanstalk

    Cheapo studio time

    Ah yes, jumpers for goalposts, tennis raquets for guitars, spoons for percussion... Great days, great days...ahhh... sniffle...sniffle...
  18. Beanstalk

    Cheapo studio time

    Howdy all, If you're interested in getting some cheap studio time in Elektra studios (slap bang in the middle of Temple Bar), please pm me, or else mail at [email protected]. The rates are as follows... 5pm to 11pm - €120 11pm to 11am...
  19. Beanstalk

    Cheapo studio time

    Howdy all, If you're interested in getting some cheap studio time in Elektra studios (slap bang in the middle of Temple Bar), please pm me, or else mail at [email protected]. The rates are as follows... 5pm to 11pm - €120 11pm to 11am...
  20. Beanstalk

    Swap a SM57 for a SM58?

    PM'd you there, Mr. Crow...