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  • Before: Jan 8, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    Pandamonium! this Thursday

    I just barely remember watching it, but none of my friends remember it at all, and are under the impression that I'm talking about the Gummi Bears. As if...losers.
  2. Beanstalk

    Renée Zellweger

    She was lovely in Jerry Maguire...downhill since then.
  3. Beanstalk

    best song ever to be played while on the Waltzers at Funderland

    I always find "Mr. Vain" spurs me on when I'm in a bumper car.
  4. Beanstalk

    Pandamonium! this Thursday

    Pandamonium this station is it on... BBC1? Network 2?
  5. Beanstalk

    ugly betty

  6. Beanstalk


    In the ideal world maybe...but surely the backing track is being obscured in the first take by the singer standing in front of the mic, so when you try to cancel it out with the reverse phase, its not perfect cancellation. I'm sure it would be OK, if the backing track was the final arrangement...
  7. Beanstalk

    Replacing recorded drums with samples

    Tis still need good drum hit samples though. The MIDI output on it is handy too, for triggering hits from other plug-ins like Reason or BFD.
  8. Beanstalk

    Losing pens at work

    I could do that, but I'd have it peeled off a minute later.
  9. Beanstalk

    Losing pens at work

    How hard is it to keep pens at work. Jesus. Half of them just disappear into some black hole, and then the other half are robbed by my colleagues, when they're at my desk, under the illusion that they own them. Rather than an akward Seinfeld moment I just grab another few from the cabinet...
  10. Beanstalk

    oh holy lord1

    Are these knacks still playing? I thought Meteor gave them some sort of "Lifetime achievemant" award a few years back...surely they've taken the hint and retired, no?
  11. Beanstalk

    reason tracks onto an 8 track?

    I'm sure there is a way, but to be honest I think you're going backwards...I reckon you should be moving stuff off your 8 track onto the puter, not the other way around. If you really need the reason tracks on your 8 track then either... a) synch the puter and 8 track up with a MIDI cable...
  12. Beanstalk

    Replacing recorded drums with samples

    Hmmm, hard to explain when I don't have the Wavs to listen to here at work...I have yet to get stuck into them but there's generally too much spill between snare and Kick mics...when I gate & compress the individual mics to tighten them up, they sound too choked and thin, even in the mix...I do...
  13. Beanstalk

    Replacing recorded drums with samples

    ...I hear something like the drums on Green Day's American idiot album. So where do you stand on this, and if you are partial to a bit of cheating* what do you use...sound replacer, drumagog, BFD? * As opposed to delay, distortion, compression, EQ, etc...which is not cheating at all...oh no...
  14. Beanstalk

    We played like a bunch of drunks

    Great quote... So who's going down? Looks like... Charlton Sheffield Utd Watford Or the Hammers maybe.
  15. Beanstalk

    Slowest Website ever Its breaking my heart.
  16. Beanstalk

    Where to get an External Hard Drive?

    Might be of assistance...
  17. Beanstalk

    Time to remove the Santy hats?

    Ah-ha there I am, complete with Jack mounting me. As nice as it is, I cannot relinquish my Richard Kiel avatar at this stage. Twould not be fair to Jaws who has stood by me for so long.
  18. Beanstalk

    Time to remove the Santy hats?

    I have removed my cap. Christmas is officially over.
  19. Beanstalk

    Time to remove the Santy hats?

    I just don't feel ready to move on from 2006. Can I be kept back for a year?