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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    i actually find this all fascinating, keep going please
  2. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    thumped: come for your daily dose of present-day pandemic misery, stay for the sparkling non-ecclesiastical settlements chitchat
  3. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    I think i was asking a few weeks back somewhere in this thread about what the breaking point would be. because if this thing is around for a decade, it’s basically going to slowly drive us all insane. so... what happens then? are we just being softly set up to be the lost generations that wade...
  4. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    also, who’s ready for the 2022 pandemic of canadian brainmelt
  5. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    me and my lady were meant to have a meal on new year’s day with friends of ours, another couple, but it got cancelled because one of them had a bit of a cold... and, yes, of course, it’s covid... I’m really starting to feel now like it’s zapping so many people around me that it’ll have to get...
  6. T


    yep, I was pretty sad to hear it too; I think there are already plans afoot to get something new up and running
  7. T


    the main thing they’ve done recently is break up
  8. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    over christmas my dad revealed to me that he has planned his possible future covid isolation in quite some detail, including spare clothes, a pile of books, and a carefully-stashed bottle of powers to help tide him over
  9. T


    ...about the early history of the free state, the more impressed I am at what crazy stuff they managed to pull off, even though, in many ways, it *was* a disaster for a long time after independence ardnacrusha was the infrastructural equivalent of a national space program or the like. and they...
  10. T

    Minor complaints thread

    well, if we’re going to be talking about music from decades ago anyway... yoko = fantastic new wave singer, groundbreaking artist condemned to be forever vilified by a bunch of dadrock boomers who can’t get their heads around it
  11. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    shite you ok now?
  12. T


    another made-up problem from the woke cancel mob going around inventing writing just to make ordinary dyslexics look bad — spiked headline from 5000-ish BCE
  13. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    take deep breath, open pub door, hold breath, down pint in one go, leg it for the door = problem solved
  14. T


    cue swelling godspeed you black emperor strings and flickering images of chaos
  15. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    here we fuckin GOOOOOOO 💥💥💥💥💥
  16. T


    I tried to put the “own” in “clown,” but the one who was owned... was me
  17. T


    (though the emergence of “neurodiverse” as our current term of art for mentallers is really fantastic and an actual good thing, speaking as an occasional mentaller, and with quite a few similar friends)
  18. T


    ahem, political corectness gone neurodiverse
  19. T

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    been thinking recently about breaking points. and about what people’s breaking point will be. this is the second covid christmas. we can already reasonably presume a third covid christmas. when do things get to real social meltdown? fourth christmas? fifth?
  20. T

    People Who Died

    bell hooks