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  1. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Kenny inevitably gets let go from the Ireland job.. Really wanted it to work, given his ambitions when he took over, but in fairness there've been very few high points over 3 years and this campaign has been especially humbling. I do think whoever takes over has a decent chance to see the...
  2. Richie

    What gig did you go to last night?

    William Basinski in the Sugar Club - had never seen a photo of him or heard him speak despite liking his music for a few years, his look & stage presence is hilariously different to what I had imagined..
  3. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Watching a show called Lodge 49, on the recommendation of someone on a podcast I listen to.. It got 2 seasons in 2018-19 before being cancelled, Wyatt Russell (son of Kurt & Goldie Hawn) plays the lead character, as an amiable somewhat dopey 30-something guy whose life has gone into drift after...
  4. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Killers of the Flower Moon - had a day off the next day so went to the late showing in the Lighthouse, finishing circa midnight.. It's a very good movie with a great evocation of the period/place, plenty of vivid scenes that stick in the mind and a lot of fine acting. That said, it is a heck of...
  5. Richie

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    We have a very similar record in rugby to Mexico in the soccer world cup, i.e. almost always get through the group stage, and then fall at the first knockout round.
  6. Richie

    The Bono Thread

    He did the voice of a character in Sing 2.. Larry Mullen had some minor film acting roles about 10 years ago.
  7. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    I've never got that vibe from Kenny, if anything he seems like too much of a nice guy for the dog-eat-dog world of elite football, seems intensely uncomfortable in the spotlight and this can lead to him coming across as sort of naieve in press conferences and post game interviews and blurting...
  8. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    I mean, for the reported 500 grand a year, they'll get somebody interested in doing it, just that it'll likely be someone around the lower Championship to League 1 level that we would've previously turned our noses up at, or a former Ireland player with very little managerial experience as of...
  9. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    I was optimistic about his appointment and was willing to tolerate a good deal of bad results but there needed to be some general sense of progression over the course of 2 qualifying campaigns and really it feels like we're not any further along, aside from him having given a lot of new players...
  10. Richie

    Space is the Place

    It's moving away from us very gradually at a rate of about 4cm per year, so if there is some intelligent society still on earth in about 600 million years they won't get full solar eclipses any more, just a very bright ring with a dark centre.
  11. Richie

    General Election 2025

    One of the journos on a recent Irish Times politics pod had heard rumours that FG in particular were considering a spring election in February or March (the theory being that it would limit the potential fallout from bad local and Euro elections and not give the opposition, SF primarily, time to...
  12. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    Things are lining up ominously well for England.. That Swedish goalie performance against the yanks was very impressive.
  13. Richie

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    She gave a deranged speech at that National Conservative event last week which seems to have been what brought her to most people 's attention..
  14. Richie


    As much as it looks extremely likely at the moment, I would find it hilarious if Starmer somehow managed to not be the next PM, after all the continuous left-punching over the last 2 years.. he really is a shockingly uninspiring character to have to pin your hopes on.
  15. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Today I saw How to Blow up a Pipeline which I would call a procedural thriller about eco-terrorism, loosely based on the (non-fiction) Andreas Malm book of the same name. I thought this was excellent, it's a very well constructed tense thriller which feels realistic and makes you think hard...
  16. Richie

    2020-21 Football thread

    They'd be in with a chance of a 4th place finish if not for some highly dubious refereeing decisions in various games. How they're managing to level the huge Premier League resource gap is pretty incredible.. Given that they'll surely be stripped of some of their best players / manager every...
  17. Richie

    Fairweather Sports Tourist Thread

    Glad to see Brecel winning it, though I had been rooting for the Chinese kid to pull it off in the previous round.. don't think I'm alone in finding Selby's playing style a bit tedious, though credit to him for mounting a comeback to give the final some proper tension.
  18. Richie

    Space is the Place

    Good long form vid on that:
  19. Richie

    Space is the Place

    I was listening to this the other day while working, interview with an Irish space scientist who makes the case very engagingly for some return missions to planet Venus:
  20. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    So they finally made a 3rd season of this, over a decade on from the last one.. I'm 4 episodes in and so far it maintains the high standard of the original show, thankfully. I was a bit worried it would be inherently depressing (i.e. same characters working in the same dead end job, 10 years...