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  • Before: Sep 24, 2008
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Gig photos.

    wow deadly pic moose! .|..|
  2. sarah

    DJ Scotch Egg/Terrordactyl/Ed Devane - Feb 7th

    vat time dis be over at?? I am double booked but want to make both events. dank you!
  3. sarah

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    have you read anything else by him? I vaguely remembering starting some book of his and being completely lost -it went on huge big baseball related descriptions that went on forever- completely put me off. v. v. boring.
  4. sarah

    where can ya get:

    aaah I went to hacketts on baggot to get b & w 120 processed, she took the films but couldn't give me a price for negatives and a contact sheet- then rang this morning saying they don't actually do b & w. silly incompetent tool. :mad: have people used the repro 35 or whatever its called on...
  5. sarah

    Pancake Tuesday

    mmmmmmhhhmm we had savoury ones with butter, garlic, spinach, shallots all cooked up together in butter and pepper with cherry tomatoes and cheddar melted through, served with more cheese, ballymaloe paedo relish and raw cherry tomatoes( and lots of pepper!). yum. then lemon, butter sugar ones...
  6. sarah

    Shameless back on the box

    can stream all past series of shameless for free on channel 4s 40d thing brilliant, only up to season two, its deadly so far.
  7. sarah


    Thank you! I was thinking the exact same thing, her interactions with the would be adoptee dad were painful, she was way to smartarse but not in an endearing way... really not a likeable character v. disapointed after all the hype. having said that it was ok, i think the parents diluted the...
  8. sarah

    wanted urgently! macbook G3 adapter

    cool thanks a million! Wilbert I don't actually have access to it at the mo, the guy has it at home with him. the one ian linked to looks about right. really appreciate it. thanks guys!.|..|
  9. sarah

    Random Photos

  10. sarah

    wanted urgently! macbook G3 adapter

    its a clamshell one
  11. sarah

    photo challenge? architecture

    taken through a dirty window
  12. sarah

    wanted urgently! macbook G3 adapter

    Hi there, friend got a G3 from 2000 as a present, but no adapter he doesn't know if it works. anyone got a spare one lying around that they don't need anymore? any help much appreciated! thanks.
  13. sarah


    did you end up buying a car yet? if so what did you get? and how much was your insurance (if that's not too rude to ask...your on a provisional, right?)? buying one in march so all info is greatly appreciated:)
  14. sarah

    the toasties in grogans

    aaahhh I know the guy you mean. sometimes there's a nice guy like that in the lord edward who makes nice pots of tea and coffee and insists on bringing them over and refuses tips.
  15. sarah

    the toasties in grogans

    yes, you are right. well done. gold star! i'd love a toastie right now, with mustard. or alternatively some veggie hotdog sausages from tesco also with mustard. and cheese, and possibly some onions or spinach.
  16. sarah

    The future is here...?!

    new science gallery opening saturday week.... amazing fashion made out of led lights, so you can dress like future people. for all you SAD sufferers get a loada de daylight room and loads of other gimmicky things that I'm getting stupidly excited about. aaand they;ll have a shop so I can...
  17. sarah

    lovely sweet treats. healthy(ish) suggestions

    hhhm I too love these nuts, but tend not to buy from oriental market cause they often seem quite stale. nuts have a lot of oil in them so can go sour or a bit off (yeuch) which market do you get yours in? I just got a lovely jumbo bag of little red apples, had forgotton how nice an apple can be...
  18. sarah

    lovely sweet treats. healthy(ish) suggestions

    trying to wean myself off the massive amounts of sweet and chocolate I consume, more for my poor teeth than anything else. so lots of healthy after-dinner-wit-your-tea suggestions welcomed. got a big load of frozen raspberries and a tub of natural yoghurt, heated the raspberries to...
  19. sarah

    Shaving School

    wow, where did you get it is it tricky to use? I bought the boy a cut-throat and a hot towel shave voucher, so as he can go to a pro before attempting the deed himself.
  20. sarah

    What would you do?

    must spread some rep ..... you're totally my hero. I would imagine very few or no other people on this board (apart from a few of the ladies it seems) would have put themselves in physical danger. it's scary how often people prefer to mind their own business or pretends its not happening...