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  • Before: Sep 24, 2008
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Random Photos

    must spread some rep yada yada the colours and lighting in this!
  2. sarah

    What movie did you watch last night?

    3.10 to Yuma deadly western! cool baddies. really enjoyed it.
  3. sarah

    college advice

  4. sarah

    college advice

    cool I'd already made that choice! reckoned the film one would be full of waffle and crap, sure I can rent out the movies on my own.:)
  5. sarah

    college advice

    hey there, I'm just starting a course, but this year we have to choose a mandatory broad curriculum subject as part of our main degree from an unrelated discipline. As I'm already going to be doing a language module for extra cred I want something that's as easy going as possible. I've...
  6. sarah

    The my Youtube Thread long but cool, sorry if it's been posted before..
  7. sarah

    angry :(

    poor La-La, I completely sympathise with you. I turned into an even more incoherent stammering wretch trying to stick up for this Dutch guy in the dole office in thomas street ages ago. I was sitting next to this old haggard alco looking woman, face a labyrinth of creases who kept tutting at...
  8. sarah

    Liars. whelans (tues dec 4)

    deadly can't wait for this!.|..|
  9. sarah

    Random Photos

    the docklands last night. cameraphone pic.
  10. sarah

    [em] last night, sugar club sooo good! I heard about it here, there's loads of deadly stuff coming up in the next while.
  11. sarah

    [em] last night, sugar club sooo good!

    what an amazing show, happy to the point of near hysteria at one stage, that pianist is just the most amazing musician I have possibly ever seen live, the whole band were amazing. bought both cds can't wait to give them a proper listen.:D
  12. sarah

    mosquitos! WTF?

    eeew, i wonder were they alighting on my glass of water by the bed during the night, not that's it's stagnant. but eeew.
  13. sarah

    mosquitos! WTF?

    they are quite distinctive, once you've mashed a few of them into your pristine nice painted wall you sure do get familiar with those legs and stinger. they don't seem to like me but have been eating the boif to bits he's all lumps and scratching like a flea ridden dog...v. sexy!
  14. sarah

    Any 'never nudes' on thumped?

    you mean like these guys? possibly not so good for work.
  15. sarah

    mosquitos! WTF?

    seriously, in our house whining around the room last night with that awful high-pitched sound. where did they come from all of a sudden, and why now so late in the year. I didn't realise Indian summer meant we got the tropical type beasties as well. anyone else see them about or are we an...
  16. sarah

    Photo Challenge: photo colour domino

    right purple and white
  17. sarah

    Photo Challenge: photo colour domino

    Basic idea everyone posts two photos both of which have a distinct colour theme to it. next persons photo has to be in the same colour theme as the previous my second picture matching domino style. here's red here's yellow
  18. sarah

    Photo Challenge suggestions

    let la la start she's the boss of the challenges no that not how this works?