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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    uh oh. iBook screen problems

    right, last night, out of the blue, my computer screen went black. it's 6 weeks old. it wasnt an energy saving mechanism, because when i used the mousepad it wouldnt light up. i couldnt turn it on until today. same thing happened about 10 mis ago. mac support is closed for the day, but what...
  2. La La

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space

    was on TV last night. it was terrible and amazing at the same time. type of thing andy would be into, yes/no?
  3. La La


    listening to goodbye cruel world right now. anyone like 'em? they give me a bounce in my step.
  4. La La

    parents who can't say no

    might end up with a child like this this can't have been photoshopped, can it? poor kid. jaysus. she's only 5!
  5. La La

    bosses who spend their time seeking and destroying

    for fucks sake. i had to go to some press thing earlier, and one of the big (literally) editors was there. she shot me a look of filth and asked what I (as if i was a little amoeba) was doing there. then she looked down, and saw i was wearing flip flops (which I always do, cos i hate heels and...
  6. La La

    electric eel shock

    seein' em this weekend. anyone seen them before? yay/nay? should be fun anyhow.:D
  7. La La

    black and tans for dessert

    !ironyyy DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's have apologized for causing offence by calling a new flavor "Black & Tan" -- the nickname of a notoriously violent British militia that operated during Ireland's war of independence. ADVERTISEMENT The ice cream, available...
  8. La La


    chocolate pudding. you know when it looks like a boring brown cakey mound on a plate? then you get your spoon, and penetrate the cakey exterior and the melted inside oozes out like molten lava. my god.
  9. La La

    best foodie experience you ever had

    sometimes i love what im eating so much, it amost brings me to tears. anyway i'm in the fortunate position of getting to do restaurant reviews. once was in this ridiculously pricey place, but the snapper nearly made me weep. the red wine we had with it was incredible too. had the sexiest...
  10. La La

    post things you think other thumpeders would like

    this is for evil bandit. enjoy.
  11. La La

    Animal Planet opportunity

    i applied for something like this last year. anyway, thought some of you film nerds might be interested in applying for the laugh. i'd love to do something like this; have never shot a film in my life though. anyway here's the link:
  12. La La

    9/11 Pentagon video

    my dad just sent me this today. wow. i dont know if it's been posted before and sorry if it has, but it's well worth a look. Let's just put it this way: I'm either the most gullible thing on earth, or there may be something to this. Either way, I saw this for the first time today, so if it is...
  13. La La


    first post from my new iBook! deadly. but anyways, tried downloading limewire and it did the install and all, but then instead of an application to click on, it was like a blank document icon on the desktop. i've downloaded it before on other computers, so i am pretty sure i didnt do anything...
  14. La La

    a thread about babies

    starting with this unforgettable clip. the cuteness!
  15. La La

    Happy Beerday Corm

  16. La La

    Happy Birthday Terri_Asshat

    you dont post here no more, but have a good one nonetheless. bernard wants you to come back.
  17. La La

    i just applied for a job as an adult sex chat operator

    my first undercover job for a story. hahahahahha just had a prelimenary phone interview. the chick goes "now you will have to discuss things of an adult nature with our clients, and you have to talk about whatever they want" agggggghhhhhhhh ugh. i know ill be plagued with...
  18. La La

    really fucking annoying songs that get stuck in your head and you dont know why

    right now: some song by paula abdul that goes like "are you gonna love me forever oh oh oh" :mad: argh!
  19. La La

    happy st patricks day

    here's to eating, drinking, and shitting absolutely everywhere. .|..| :p !ironyyy
  20. La La

    happy birthday sarah

    have a good one.