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  • Before: Oct 10, 2006
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    conrad gallagher infuriates me

    he's on TV right now poncing around africa bossing a load of black people around on this program 'Conrad's Kitchen.' fuckin painting stealer.
  2. La La

    aer lingus flight evacuated

  3. La La

    what are you listening to now that you doubt you'll listen to when you're old?

    and when i say old; i mean old and grey, and full of sleep. it's a hard one. doubt i'll have that much drum n bass on my iPod then but you never know. i'd say bands like Darkest Hour won't get a look in.
  4. La La

    cameras for dummies

    right seeing as most of you know what you;re talking about, maybe we could use this space as a place for you camera brainos to dispense advic. clearly i (and im sure others) have an interest in photography, bu ti know nothing about cameras or those numbers you guys post about. so - for...
  5. La La

    clique clique

    home, anyone?
  6. La La

    tucker max: genius or cunt? he's made a (very good) living out of writing about his nights out, getting drunk, and fucking girls. like the time he fucked a midget and the time he really learned about post op transsexuals ok so he makes no bones about it - he fully admits he's an asshole. but...
  7. La La

    i dare one of you

    to prance around in front of this webcam so i can laugh at you gwaaaaaan :D
  8. La La

    irish people are clever

    rather exciting.
  9. La La

    afak? what the hell?

    akfak? what the hell? pete, my post on that new Cut thread, my name appears as akfak. if you click on that name, my profile appears. wtf? eh......please fix. someone's havin a laugh. ta x
  10. La La

    Sociable Cooking

    if/when i ever move back to dublin, would any of you dudes be interested in a sociable cooking type of gathering? seeing as the sociable knitting thing seems to be successful. i guess the idea would be that you arrange a time and place, decide what's gonna be prepared, people bring different...
  11. La La

    Juana Molina appreciation thread

    giving Son a spin today. god she's a clever cookie. the acoustics blended with those electronic beats - excellent. voice like honey as well. friend has seen her live in Tokyo and said she was incredible. mixed everything right there on stage. for some reason, i suspect Bellatrix may like her...
  12. La La

    war blogs

    let's face it, there are hundreds. thousands, even. here's one of my favourites. there's such a torment in the way this girl writes. it's tragic yet utterly captivating.
  13. La La

    coffee places/juice bars - and the way you're supposed to order

    fucking hell, here's a rant. there's this juice bar chain over here called Mix. and instead of small, medium and large, they have.........brace yourselves............. wee wow and woah. so people have to order like: "an OJ and pineapple juice please." "what size would you...
  14. La La

    Persecution of the Hmong tribe, Laos

    Excellent story in the Sunday Times Magazine on July 30. god i've got tears all down my face. the accompanying link doesn't have any pictures, but the magazine hard copy had some heartwrenching images. i'd like to know your opinions on this story. The Hmong fought on the US side during...
  15. La La

    east timor

    Re: picture a week (idea) hi guys. you should all take a moment if you can to check out my colleague's latest portfolio. he just returned from east timor and some of his snaps are here. for a young guy - 23/24 i think - he's got some extraordinary talent. i think these are a hybrid of...
  16. La La

    video editing on a mac

    at short notice, i have to make and edit a short 1-3 minute video. i've never done this before, but im not a complete technophobe, so i reckon i could have a crack at it. would iMovie do the job for me? it's the only relevant application i have on my iBook. can it be used to make a video out of...
  17. La La

    Thumped Battle Royale

    if you wanna talk about the movie, head over to arts and culture. who would be the last boy and girl standing? it's a toughie but.......... i'm gonna say jane and nlgbblbth.
  18. La La

    Battle Royale

    i still don't know quite what I thought of that movie. it was pretty cool, but....gory. what did people think of it? i haven't seen it in about 2 years but i remember it all too clearly.
  19. La La

    what do you listen to when you're........

    (lately, but it changes of course) tired: bark psychosis / the american analog set getting ready for work: fugazi late for work: minor threat / big black on time for work and just commuting: kent / serena maneesh feeling romantic: my bloody valentine / sigur ros getting ready to go out...
  20. La La

    a thread about avoca handweavers

    go. warm in tummy. just like momma used to make. gives me a warm glow. ok, it's overpriced, but.......... 'specially the one down in wickla. hearty. good for the soul. love it.