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  • Before: Apr 11, 2024
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I have no real desire to drink anymore. A good bit has to do with working in a pub for years and all the shit you see. I’m a binge drinker so I won’t have any for 2 years or so, but then have a night when I want to get trashed and take everyone else down with me. The last bad one was probably in...
  2. R

    Illness benefit in work

    Until recently enough I worked for a part of revenue that mainly dealt with employers and anecdotally I can’t think of any of the big tech companies (or pharmaceutical etc) that don’t offer paid illness leave for their staff. Honestly can’t think of 1 and I’ve dealt with hundreds over the years.
  3. R

    Minor Pleasures

    This has not gone well. Our connecting flight didn’t exist so trapped in Boston. I don’t really know what’s happening but Hives says I’m not illegal or a stowaway so that’s good.
  4. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I’m in the airport and and about to head off with Hives for two weeks. I’m going to do my favourite thing to do in America, which is to take photos of giant cans of stuff beside my head.
  5. R

    Sinead O'Connor..take a fucking bow.

    I don’t have a tonne of memories from when I was younger but a clear one was being in the Baggot Inn (most of my family worked there) when I was probably 5 or 6ish and she was playing that night. She was standing on the stage area and the room was filled with smoke. My Mam had asked her to sing...
  6. R


    I’m back living in Dublin inner city and I have to agree that it’s getting rougher and rougher. I’m anxious for my daughter getting home from town in a way that I wouldn’t have been in Limerick. If you want to make it a safer/better place, get in to youth work. Volunteer a day a month somewhere...
  7. R

    Sinead O'Connor..take a fucking bow.

    So she was responsible for her sons death?
  8. R

    Sinead O'Connor..take a fucking bow.

  9. R

    Minor complaints thread

    There’s nearly a 13 hr layover in Amsterdam and there’s no way it’ll end well. He lived in a commune there in the 70s/80s and he was already talking about looking up his old gang. I’m really hoping they’re not still nudists and if they are, that they don’t know how to tag him on Facebook.
  10. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ve spent the last 2 hours rearranging flights for my dad to get him back from Thailand and stuck with a €400 bill for the price difference. Fucker will never pay me back. Not sure what happened, something to do with going to Cambodia and trouble on the boarder, don’t really care. Also coming...
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Either you, or the house is haunted.
  12. R

    the RTE thread

    No that’s still there, well it was a few weeks ago anyway. The pub in mountview has been raided a few times now and there was more coke than drink going round. It’s “under new management” now though.
  13. R

    the RTE thread

    Yep I got a fair bit of abuse off a few of them walking around there today. Something about an apartment and an overlord came in to it too. Wouldn’t mind as much if the antivaxers didn’t look like people you’d see arguing over the last of a bag of coke, in a pub in Blanch on a Tuesday night.
  14. R

    the RTE thread

    There’s been a loud and anti trans protest outside the Dail for the last few hours, and a lot of press around so it’s a shit show.
  15. R

    the RTE thread

    He was in PAC this morning and with the Media committee at 3.
  16. R

    the RTE thread

    Tubs is actually coming off well here. The guess it’s not a million miles from his usual job but being in that room can be nerve wrecking even for professionals.
  17. R

    Home improvement

    Damp is sorted now, but it’s by the sink so it’ll most likely get soaked anyway.
  18. R

    Home improvement

    Gonna watch some YouTube videos on people using this. Thanks
  19. R

    Home improvement

    On it, that’ll be easy enough to fit and fix.
  20. R

    Home improvement

    I was looking at those but they all seemed to be either stickers for tiles already there, or vinyl ones for flooring. I’ll try searching for them again, thanks Moose.