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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    deadly idea - but would it work in dublin? or anywhere else in ireland for that matter? i'd be so willing to try it with a disposable - though god only knows what kind of stuff you could find....
  2. La La

    David Torn

    herro! so i listen to the friday night lights soundtrack quite alot, and there's this one track called 'do you ever feel cursed' by David Torn on it. can anyone recommend anything else by him that's in a similar vein? it's very very listenable stuff.
  3. La La

    Long Weekend. Niiiiice.

    What are you pricks gonna do then? get out of dublin or stay and witness/be part of the transformation of dublin from 'nice place' to 'vomit/broken glass pool'? i've friends coming over. which means they'll want to do the parade and things like that and go here and there and everywhere. halp!!1
  4. La La


    i love it. i wanna get into it. tips?
  5. La La

    cork this weekend

    herro, is there anything recommended on this weekend gig wise or anything?? tanks.
  6. La La

    The best thing that can happen to an Irishperson

    according to glen hansard, it's getting a text from bono sap. as an irish person the best thing that could happen to me would be: given a lifetime supply of tayto salt and vinegars crisps have all my breakfasts, lunches and dinners made for me specially by the food gods from Avoca...
  7. La La

    photojournalism exhibition

    in the gallery of photography now. just opened last night. some very very good stuff there, i checked it out today. go see it people! also, four photojournalists (whose names escape me) will be giving a masterclass (talk) on monday starting at 1030am in the ifi cinema 2. admission is free but...
  8. La La

    is my dog too old to be a dad?

    hai. murphy is a beautiful 12-year-old chocolate labrador and recently a friend of mine who has a (i think 5-year-old) golden labrador bitch suggested they get it on and have a littler of adorable puppies. we've no objections, and personally i think it would be nice for murph to have some kind...
  9. La La

    world press photo

    award winners have been announced. the winning photo is hauntingly larry burrows-esque.
  10. La La


    let's go and do something mad and fun. look, corey's already started packing and i see HMD and Diddles have too good woman squiggle. fucks sake ernesto anyway everyone's ready. first stop: mountain climbing. easy does it, I is John...
  11. La La

    12 angry men

    is being shown this sunday in the IFI. and if you knew that already, good for you, smartass! WHAT a great movie though, right? god. henry fonda.:heart: im fucking working on sunday and all which means no 12 angry men and no Lost. guh!
  12. La La


    HOW amazing was that gig!!!!!! shame about all the fucking chat going on near where i was but what cdan you do. i think i must have held my breath for the whole thing - mesmerised i was. i also think i need to go over to the i have a horn for thread now...
  13. La La

    it's australia day

    don't you know. (rip heath) keep em coming people
  14. La La

    the toasties in grogans

    really hit the spot, don't they? i mean it's such simple fare, but i love them. and the mustard on the side does the trick. and washed down with a cold bulmers it's just deadly. i'm right, amn't i.
  15. La La

    victim impact on rte

    so my friend watched it last week and said it had her bawling crying but that it was really well put together. did anyone see it? there's anotehr one on tonight (i think) in about an hour's time. might give it a watch though im not sure im in the mood for a crai. hmmm......
  16. La La

    the latest RSA campaign

    i've only seen the ads with the guy who drove drunk and now sounds/looks drunk all the time and the woman talking about her daughter who didnt wear a seatbelt, showing her pictures and stuff. i know there have been heaps of campaigns showing the gore and all that, but i reckon these two may...
  17. La La

    courses in the gallery of photography

    anyone ever attended one of these? i'm thinking of doing one. maybe the black and white/developing one. it says you need an SLR though - dayum.
  18. La La

    global 'o' day

    i think it's by that nuddy group of activists who have sex on stage at festivals or something. day after the thumped party too. ho ho ho.
  19. La La

    there's quite a bite in the air this morning

    isn't there? i think my body is going into shock. luckily i'm staying in bed though but.
  20. La La

    bulgaria's abandoned children

    on bbc 3 right now. im at the point of tears, it's so sad - compelling viewing all the same. anyone else watching it? i'm going to krai. those poor kids. :(