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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
  • Order by date
  1. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    Ok we'll sit in Kays and wait till the que in books unlimited goes down...then see if they have any of the books on me school booklist. Can't believe I'll be learnin 'Figure it out 5' ! Tha has mad hard sums innit.
  2. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    Ian, You made me do it. You made me change my sigature after 2 years. dang you
  3. rumpus

    spin fm...

    I hereby back up the lady rox will check out that show if I'm up on saturday before noon
  4. rumpus

    Bored in Work (maximum break 1)47

    recording rules bon chance
  5. rumpus

    spin fm...

    ah now common lads you asked for it I think Spin is great. What is it, a radio station? Lovit.
  6. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    ...and "Ears pierced while you wait"
  7. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

    Lived in a house there for years right beside the Grill... I've had many a flithy & gorgeous burgahs there after pints in Gaffneys mmmmmmmmm the good ol' days
  8. rumpus

    Apples, sweets and chocolates

  9. rumpus

    secret vice.

    IIIII remember that summer in Dublin... ...ah classic. I like the new mist-teeq (or how ever you spell it) single and I even listened to all of that 'I'm beautiful' song by dirty Christina a-Gorilla the other day... ...and I like that TV add for smirnof with the dolphins....
  10. rumpus


    relax, go to Dr Vaun in phibsborogh (near the church) ..he's gentle and kind plus - modern technology has lessened the pain muchly
  11. rumpus


    now I'll ask you once more Is it safe?
  12. rumpus


    sure isn't one a cure for t'other?[
  13. rumpus

    Bored in Work (maximum break 1)47

    In woverhampton I had refresher sweets flavoured soda drink also I've tasted bubble gum flavoured soda...but what flavour bubble gum? It freaked me out. icecream flavoured gum flavoured coke mmmmmmmmm
  14. rumpus

    Mumblin' Deaf Ro/Keith Moss double headliner

    Maybe it refers to the 'new high-trouser monster' material ;) Ro? Clue us in...
  15. rumpus

    mp3s / videos from

    mmmmmmmheat. peoplewise and temperaturewise. it's all good.
  16. rumpus

    mp3s / videos from

    haw hee haw That Bordeaux stuff looks real good and sounds great. Good show. The sooo french guy in the hat is halarious! and some pretty dames too eh heh heh
  17. rumpus

    here snaaaaaaaaaaakybuzzzzzzzzz

    Damn you snake, you impenetrable swine! My dear, dear boys. Can’t we just get along…here, let me order spritzers for all.
  18. rumpus

    here snaaaaaaaaaaakybuzzzzzzzzz

    no, stay pope! Don't mind my friend here...he's has a rough day... pull up a beanbag. What's yer story, old timer?
  19. rumpus

    here snaaaaaaaaaaakybuzzzzzzzzz

    yes, HE is. oh, and so am I. Is that ok with you, young Christopher Llyod?
  20. rumpus

    here snaaaaaaaaaaakybuzzzzzzzzz

    I've known skin diseases more popular