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  • Before: Sep 23, 2008
  • Users: Grenouille
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  1. Grenouille


    The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed is a great album too. I think they're savage. For fans of Turbonegro and that sort of shite. I saw them supporting AC/DC in The Point years ago and they absolutely blew me away.
  2. Grenouille

    Drumancoo top fives.

    1. Hanging out with friends and making some new ones (Lewis!.|..|) 2. The weather was pretty damn grand. 3. Dancing like a fucking chimp all weekend. 4. Drinking like a fiend but still remembering everything. 5. Some savage fucking bands. Brilliantly organised right down to the Portaloos...
  3. Grenouille

    Mayo Doooooom !

    Good stuff Hick. Tis cool to hear ya growling again!
  4. Grenouille

    Tonight! (fri june 20) Melt Banana

    NERD!!!!!!!!!! Ya missed a deadly gig....
  5. Grenouille


  6. Grenouille

    Carry No Banners (RIP)...

    ...have a couple of songs off their album up on their myspace. Highly recommended listening. .|..|.|..|.|..| The lads have regrouped in a new band called Cut The Reins who some of you might have caught at the weekend in Galway.
  7. Grenouille

    Short Fast Loud 19

    You can put me down for one Chief !
  8. Grenouille

    The European Noise Contest

    I'd put forth Obscure Noise Control with Johnny Logan singing guest vocals....
  9. Grenouille

    Comeback Kid @ Galway???

    Nah, you don't want this one, man. This one's set for a neck-breaker. You'd probably be better off with something like this....
  10. Grenouille

    Bleeding Rectum, Gurkha (uk), Vortex (bel) bohs sat july 5th

    Fucking comedy!!!! :p:p:p
  11. Grenouille

    Mini Fest Type thing Galway 12-14 June

    No sign of rain :p
  12. Grenouille

    Last Hours #17 zine

  13. Grenouille

    Complan Complan

    Jesus Dan, they can just about get it together to play a gig once a year. :eek:
  14. Grenouille

    Last Hours #17 zine

    I'll take one and throw you the extra for postageage....
  15. Grenouille

    Moutpiece,Roosky, Ghundi, Three for the Morgue- 23rd May- Lower Deck

    You got rid of your Super Ted pajamas so?
  16. Grenouille

    Comeback Kid - 16 June - Eamonn Doran's

    Are those lyrics from 'One in a Million' by Guns N' Roses?
  17. Grenouille


    Have you seen that Ted Bundy film that came out a few years ago? Now that's funny. "Hey Girl, will you help me with my boat...." !Hammer Whack! !Hammer Whack!
  18. Grenouille

    Moutpiece,Roosky, Ghundi, Three for the Morgue- 23rd May- Lower Deck

    You should at least launch something, even if it is the aforementioned midget from a cannon....