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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    tucker max: genius or cunt?

    I don't know... I think he's a very clever guy unlike Maddox who's humour (esp the misogynist humour) is really taken too far and is plain unfunny. Tucker Max is an asshole, but he's able to make fun of himself and isn't trying to teach us anything. Also the story about him shitting himself is...
  2. R

    Most depressing structure in Dublin

  3. R


    Best toasted sandwhich ever: pesto jalepeno relish all kinds of peppers red onion cherry tomatos spicy grated cheese from tescos serve with 'slaw
  4. R

    Kids at festivals

    you think that was bad? appart from the odd trying to trip people up when we were on the far field some 12 year olds came up to us completely pilled out of it. I really felt so disheartened. Well at least no one shouted hippy at me...
  5. R


    one time my friend and I went swimming in the wicklow and we watched a foot long woodlouse creep up the harbour wall. Very weird. It must be stuff Sellafield is putting in the sea...
  6. R

    lower deck gone?

    what's the story with st nicholas of myra? do they have any suitable rooms?
  7. R

    Man is the Bastard

    get your coat check please taxi! neeeeeum rhapsody are great. It scares me to think that a band as epic exist!
  8. R

    lower deck gone?

    that'd be gas as the pub opposite is the new home of Blast !baggyyyy
  9. R

    Pick or a decide

    chocolate mini eggs jelly strawberries (caranuba wax ones) liquorice whips. i love liquorice but not the soft kind. chocolate/yoghurt fruit and nuts esp, coconut, pineapple and macedemia (?) but chocolate coffee beans are vile.
  10. R

    Vintage Synths

    does anyone know of any online guide, or just general advice for buying a synth/sampler? I want to make music like le tigre, gravy train, lead into gold, etc.
  11. R

    Chinese Food

    3 in 1's are pure gut rot. imagine a healthy one with brown rice and sweet potato...
  12. R


    or just ask someone to run into the venue and bring you out an ID. Never failed me. If ID check is going on run to the jacks. god i could be 16 forever!
  13. R

    Conversations With Taxi Drivers

    "we need to get rid of these black taxi drivers. there's too many of em" "what?!? because they're black?" "no because they're stealin our business" this was a taxi to leechrum... everyone sitting on each others laps and he still had the cheek to try and charge us a fiver each.
  14. R

    Why are you not at Leechrum this weekend?

    Overall a deadly weekend despite the smella shite what towards the end. yeah hippy offspring are the wildest most violent pack of fuckers i ever encountered. Jesus some 11 or 12 year olds came up to me pilled out of it asking for our bread.
  15. R

    I am both a veggie and a lazy bastard

    pot noodles are all vegetarian. they use tvp rather than meat. the tesco versions are 58c. Only downside is they're still full of salt, but they've cleaned up their act a lot in regards to artificial colours and flavours.
  16. R

    Blazing Salads

    it ain't that cheap now! the soup is great. their falafel is weird and not nice.
  17. R

    Wicklow Mountains National Park

    they used to do a magic mushroom guided tour there I hear. they taught you all about which ones to pick and which ones not to. I don't know if they can advertise it publicaly anymore.
  18. R

    I am both a veggie and a lazy bastard

    tesco humous and value bread
  19. R

    I am both a veggie and a lazy bastard

    nut roasts covered in gravy and loads of bean/veg stews. I don't have an recipes but the internet is combusting with them.
  20. R

    Drummer and lead guitarist

    cafe irie so i read in Shitpiece