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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    incredible tofu

    you should do a seomra spraoi cookbook...
  2. R

    .that first smell of halloween.

    halloween smells like old peoples houses. maybe other rural folk on thumped remember being shipped around house to house to say a poem and get an orange and a pound.
  3. R

    Sociable Cooking

    apparently i can't give you any rep right now, but knowing glenroe trivia makes you very appealing in mine and roisins eyes....|..|
  4. R

    blank cassette tapes

    pound shops and lidl
  5. R

    RAG magazine launch with Party Weirdo, dazzling DJs, food and more – Saturday

    thanks for keeping the wine flowing too, mazzyianne :heart:.|..|
  6. R

    RAG magazine launch with Party Weirdo, dazzling DJs, food and more – Saturday

    the zine is deadly. well done everyone involved and involved on the night! :)
  7. R


    another bad toast etiquette is putting the slimy crumby excess butter back in the tub. now really... after months of denying it i caught the now-ex spreading a huge 50g dollop of butter onto a slice of toast, buttering every corner, right down into it and then scraped a load off. sliding it...
  8. R


    a jaysus shor when i was yordr age i was a little got and look at me new, thorty two and wearitin high heels, ah lard bless us and save us! ;) didn't mean to come across as rude and where does age come into it? Is it not about taste? I highly doubt i'll ever wear and like heels. They're just...
  9. R

    you're barred!!!!!!!!!!! no you're not

    do you ever get paranoid that THEY know you robbed it, YOU know THEY know but they've never confronted you? are they waiting till i do it again so they can catch me out? i'll never rob from the sweet shop again!!
  10. R

    RAG magazine launch with Party Weirdo, dazzling DJs, food and more – Saturday

    dude tampons are shit. get your mot a mooncup.
  11. R

    Restaurant Recommendations

    I endorse happy pear smoothies.
  12. R


    it's on the same side as LIDL, it's half way down, sort of inbetween chineses and chinese food stores. It's at the very back of the supermarket. there's a nice selection for flesh eaters too...
  13. R


    FUCK mary kates. mary jane creepers is where it's at... i can't wait until Penny's makes a cheap ass version from f'leather... all black plz, Santa
  14. R


    I have to agree. it's like something my mam would attempt to cook. she can't help but boil the fuck out of every veg. I wondered why as a child i didn't really like food but it was simply because she was shit at making it. also find that govinda's put waaay too much spinach in things. i doubt...
  15. R

    girly thread warning!!!!!!!! the whole "shebang" waxed off???

    what about getting your pubes permanently lasered off and perfect ones tattooed on? i think my idea would make loads of dosh.
  16. R

    girly thread warning!!!!!!!! the whole "shebang" waxed off???

    I'd imagine dye wouldn't stick because pubes are so wirey. am i right? has anyone tried this out yet? maybe we can hold a Sociable Pubic Experiments night...?
  17. R

    girly thread warning!!!!!!!! the whole "shebang" waxed off???

    pube bouquets thanks goiz! if i want to make it more interesting is it possible to permanantly dye my pubes red so the curtains match the carpet?
  18. R

    girly thread warning!!!!!!!! the whole "shebang" waxed off???

    hahahahaha no i don't eat my pubes! hahahahaha!! just tear chunks out of myself
  19. R

    girly thread warning!!!!!!!! the whole "shebang" waxed off???

    is it possible to have trichotillomania down below? I think i may have it. also, I stopped being smooth a year ago because I finally realised it was totally natural and that i was too lazy. possibly in a silly childish drunkish way whenever I hear friends going on about how much they hate...
  20. R


    I hate soggy sandwhiches at school, so i toast the bread which makes it a bit more durable... vegetarian pate, buffalo mozzerella, big juicy tomatos, edam cheese, red onion and maybe baby spinach leaves... ooooh (check buffalo mozzerella for rennet, usually the say suitable for vegetarians but...