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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    tofu pronunciation

    haha just looking back on my post I didn't make myself clearer at all!
  2. R

    tofu pronunciation

    oh maybe i should've made it clearer, she says dis-SIP-lin. oh me and my mother! we seen a shooting star yesterday.
  3. R

    tofu pronunciation

    my ma says toff-ew and it drives me fockin crazy. she also says dissip-lin...
  4. R

    Kidd Blunt/Easpa Measa/Terrordactyl/Barntown - Dorans - This Sat 9 Dec

    eh i did all that shit AND wasn't even 18. i fuckin win. now let's hope the mr doran see's this.
  5. R

    Kidd Blunt/Easpa Measa/Terrordactyl/Barntown - Dorans - This Sat 9 Dec

    bweeeee dapa bada boh, bab bab badda boh
  6. R

    In the event of a Dublin zomby attack?

    What if the idea of rotting slowly in a shopping centre does not satisfy me? I think I would try to escape town somehow.
  7. R


    kept a snail farm in my communion shoes box... learnt so much from them. like how they give birth and shit, they shit in long lines of poo. interesting...
  8. R


    janer unlike all the other people who post on lifestyle I don't own a magical graphics program...
  9. R


  10. R

    In the event of a Dublin zomby attack?

    Ross, it's too late for kilcoole... there's gurning monsters everywhere, esp the last bus...
  11. R


    I'VE GOT 5-4-3-2-1...
  12. R


    do any of yee have disco biscuits?
  13. R

    Stuffed peppers?

    yeah you just go home knackered and eat waffles and squorn fillets...
  14. R

    Stuffed peppers?

    you must eat like a king every night...
  15. R

    korg suppliers in/to ireland?

    hey i have my heart set on the microkorg synth vocoder but no site ships internationally. is there a supplier in ireland?
  16. R


    ____... .-"--"""".__ `. | ` | ( `._....------.._.: ) .()'' ``(). ' () .==' `=== `-. . ) ( <o> <o> g) ) ) / J ( |. / . ( $$ (. (_'. ...
  17. R

    Ladies - recent shoe purchases

    surely shoes aren't that hard to make. I mean if kids can make them...well, you know...
  18. R

    massive price rise for buckfast?

    have you ever got it on tap? do they use fancy wine glasses, jars or what?
  19. R

    diarrhea debutant

    her friend was indeed on fair city, benter benter benter oh and here's mica's bebo, enjoy :
  20. R

    diarrhea debutant

    please tell me someone else seen diary of a debmutant? mica was unreal. "banter" "on my tobler" "he looks like a foot" (her friend) it was the best (and only) Irish thing ever on tv3... .|..|