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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Porco Dio 80s Nite

    do ya remember that program called the Tribe, with all the aussie teenagers who survived some sort of end of the world and they all dressed like rave/crusties!
  2. R

    Knife At A Gunfight Attack Lower Deck Jan 9

    i have a german grind wah wah waaaaaaah
  3. R

    Revolutionary Women Dayschool.

    janer =
  4. R

    Are these shoes to Goth looking, should I return them?

    these shehz got 300 dollars...
  5. R

    Who do you hate?

    oh I hate going into musicmaker or any other music shop. I feel like the moment i walk in they start talkin to me like i'm thick, or a total fuckin novalty.
  6. R

    Who do you hate?

    ah shit! in true rural style the phone line died for 3 days. I was just outside moate. !bogthanks tho!
  7. R

    Who do you hate?

    my mam for making me stay in this godforsaken place (westmeath)
  8. R

    Frist christmas dinner in our own home!!

    Janer liking x-ray spex doesn't make him any less of a drink driving shitbag ;) xmas cheer xmas cheer xmas cheer
  9. R

    Frist christmas dinner in our own home!!

    Roisin you posi fuck!!
  10. R

    2007:stuff you're looking forward to

    YEH that too!
  11. R

    2007:stuff you're looking forward to

    I get by grand as it is. In fact I can think of a billion reasons why I don't want to grow up... .|..| ugh I'm only a fiffy year. A year and a half of being smothered with this shit. hey that's something to look forward to, the end! how many months mackle? Leechrum left me feelin a little...
  12. R

    2007:stuff you're looking forward to

    I can't think of one thing i'm excited about. how depressing !bog
  13. R

    Best Of 2006

    omg seconded GO ON MY SON: .|..| loserdom kidd blunt tenpastseven terrordactyl the knife seomra spraoi german grinds eoddy brown paper packages, tided up with string (these are a fewwww of my favourite things) roisin. pigs dressed as knackers. goss smokin jays almost cliche the L word GET THE...
  14. R

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    has anybody else gave themself sore gee syndrome when they took(ripped) out their mooncup drunk? owww:eek: (hey remember months/years ago i posted saying i couldn't get it in? much has changed. much! thanx thumped)
  15. R

    Sexy Knackers

    I don't know about you guys but that whole original line up of sugababes did it for me. That sexy r&b garage rimmel cats eyes eye-liner, mad over styled black hair slicked back into a pony but with these short curls glued down to your forhead, big fuck off gold "tinker" earrings and a little gem...
  16. R

    Sandwich panic

    yeh my bad nan takes it upon herself to serve us slimey 30 grandkids. No one is allowed get between her and her electric ham knife. (why?) Either chiggen nuggets and chips or a plate of salad thats been sitting in the sun since noon. Each entails warm whole boiled egg, an angry dark purple slice...
  17. R

    I haven't gone to a geopgraphy lecture in 4 weeks

    is and all. .|..| I only wish there was a college course on music, geography, art and history delivered in German. I'd be so set...
  18. R

    Nestle says Yorkie chocolate is "not for girls"

    she looks kinda distressed
  19. R

    Irving Welsh

    Did anyone go see his play? I really like trainspotting, but I understand now that Irvine Welsh really just collects folklore and puts a spin on it. Like the vicks as lube, i mean who hasn't heard that their friend/cousin/barber did that? Althought his finest moments include showin yer rapist...
  20. R

    thumped retrospective

    I thought this thread was going to be good. Fucksake you's suck. I hate lifestyles ironic sense of humour. weh! I Is John is that from the on/off thread?