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  • Before: Jul 23, 2007
  • Users: Beanstalk
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  1. Beanstalk

    Apostle Of Hustle Remix Contest

    Actually better still...I'll remix one of your tunes in return? Or else we could have a Thumped Home Recording Remix Kris Kindle...each person submits one track, we put the names in a virtual hat, and you pick out a track to remix (obviously not your own one).
  2. Beanstalk

    Apostle Of Hustle Remix Contest

    Well I wasn't fishing earlier, but I could probably send you on some WAVs for re-mixing if you like? I'm afraid it'd have to be pro-bono work though cause I'm stoney broke.
  3. Beanstalk

    8 tracks

    Hate that...I have an old demo of a crappy €10 keyboard with its little speaker mic'd and sent through a crappy Zoom GFX-707...I just love the sound of it...but I don't have the individual track WAV anymore, and its all out of time...I'll never be able to re-create it...hate that.
  4. Beanstalk

    Apostle Of Hustle Remix Contest

    I know yeah...just saying, tis a good idear. I reckon if you're gonna spend a heap of time remixing a tune, remix some irish/local bands instead...tis good mixing practice and the band will appreciate it more than some band who will receive hundreds of remixes of the same song. I'm surprised...
  5. Beanstalk

    Apostle Of Hustle Remix Contest

    NIN did something like this before too... Tis a cheap way of getting a good remix opposed to paying Fatboy Slim a couple of hundred grand, and/or a few points. And look... "Arts & Crafts retains ownership of all the submissions" All you get is a...
  6. Beanstalk

    8 tracks

    Easy...hire some discrete session musicians to come in and replicate your recording, note for will ever know. These guys are available... Is he running his keyboard through that POD??
  7. Beanstalk

    Compressing - basic questions

    What is the model/make of your 8 track? What type of output connections are on it?
  8. Beanstalk

    Compressing - basic questions

    Different compressers use different algorithms to do the job, so it does make a difference which brand/VST/RTA you use...some sound better than others. Its personal taste, and depends on how dynamic the piece is before compression anyway...just tinker with the parameters, and see what sounds...
  9. Beanstalk

    NN-XT samples in Reason

    "...the funnnnnnnkkkkkkk soooooooooulllllllllllllll brudddddddddderrrrrrrrrrrr..."
  10. Beanstalk

    NN-XT samples in Reason

    See my post above about setting loops in NNXT...although you're not technically stretching the sample...more sustaining a section of it.
  11. Beanstalk

    Recommend a book or books on Irish music?

    Haven't read it but...
  12. Beanstalk

    Tickets for Anfield

    1/8...That was a steal alright...did you lay a few pound down?
  13. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    It'd be easier to just stick a password on it, so I wouldn't have to keep deleting it and then copying it back afterwards.
  14. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    Maybe its not NTFS so...might be FAT32 formatted...can't remember...reads and writes to both mac and windows anyhoo.
  15. Beanstalk

    Craggy Island vs Rugged Island

    Is THIS it?
  16. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    Confirmation: The porn will not be deleted, but will be encrypted. The password will be "bigwillies"...ssshh...don't tell nobody.
  17. Beanstalk


    Tullamore cinema had a little written notice cellotaped to the ticket booth warning punters that this had subtitles... ...which was a bit sneaky considering no-one in Offaly can read.
  18. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    Thats OK I can wait! I'll just zip up the personal stuff for now.
  19. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    I'll give it a says its only compatible with Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux so I hope if I encrypt it using XP, I can still access it using OSX too...or vice versa...sure I'll try it anyway.
  20. Beanstalk

    How to password protect folders?

    I want to lend my external hard drive to a mate so that he can copy some music and movies on it, but I also have some personal documents on it that I don't want to leave accessible. Is there any way that I can password protect some selected folders? I could make the folder hidden, but a lot of...