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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    23x3=69 69 69 69 69
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Got a text this morning saying that Ministry are playing in the Musick Centre on June 27th, and the tickets will be 23 Euro.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    This week at lazybird.

    Fuck point in throwing a hissy fit, it's more that I forgot all about it. I tried ringing Albert after ATP a few times but didn't make contact, and then I fell asleep and now look.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    This week at lazybird.

    A for fucks sake. I was chatting (sober) to Albert at ATP and he said the 'cop could do it. I like what I've heard of V/VM. I feel like shouting "Rats Cocks" from the highest rooftop.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    This week at lazybird.

    They were cool. Their performance took a while to get really going. The vocals were very relaxed for most of the set, they were better at the end when the singer went all shouty. I like em. Good riffs, especially from the bass player. It was my first time really sitting down to watch them and...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Exposefest: Monday, April 26th.

    Re: Re: Exposefest: Monday, April 26th. Ha ha ha ha!:D
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    This week at lazybird.

    Herv man, I was pontificatin. DON'T undermine me in front of my friends man. Edit: Hang on, I think I can do better. One second. OK, I'll give YOU a tweedly flute! Hah? Hah? Deadly.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    This week at lazybird.

    I thought Georgi was great. Nyaaaah
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    BLONDIE vs. BOWIE HOOT NIGHT ~ June 6th!!!

    Yar man It is indeed off the air. Apparently the póílíní bashed all the broadcasting gear but good. They don't confiscate it, they just bash it. Sounds like something off that DK's song Macho-Rama. Tough break for them.
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    secret vice.

    ...whatever. Now bearing in mind the above Juno, can we now say that Pantone is only half a person and so the balance of opinion is firmly on the side of the Righteous Order Of The Lyrics Bored? *High fives Lizzie, struts back to desk, drops shades down from hair onto nose, and looks chilled*
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    secret vice.

    I'm four square behind Lizzie. The Lyrics board is a state-sponsored pension for miserable knock kneed aul never-were's like Fungus McNulty and the piano guy who used to warm all our hearts (by making us violently retch) on Going Strong and the Late (insert vilest expletive you can think of...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Metalica aid "war on terror"!!

    If I remember my Metallica lore, I think they do actually own all their stuff, publishing and all. Can't remember how or why. James Hetfield. Pffft. They were pretty rejuvenated on that Icon programme though....I haven't felt as uncontemptuous towards them in about ten years.
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Settler, El Diablo, Omelette

    Hiyiz, We may be one man short tonight due to a bereavement, but we will be playing. Can a Settler person or an Omelette person mail or pm me? Bryan
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    Ha ha, deadly! :) Yeah, anyway. Do you not see that the rules you have outlined for your beliefs are arbitrary? You have said as much yourself. And that they could be applied to YOUR Norman ass at any point with equal validity? And that YOU could find yourself on the receiving end of a...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    Yeah, you're dead right. Sorry about that. I got wasted last night, I'm not really in the form for an argument today. But I'm enjoying watching Pete and Silo go. It's like watching someone shooting fish in a barrel. In conclusion, G'wan the boys! I remain sir, your humble and obedient...
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    Einstein's brain weighed well less than average, so I hope you're not implying any correlation between brain size and intelligence (I'm taking it that you mean that intelligence matters most). And for your edification: Black people invented blood banks, open heart surgery, gear transmission...