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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Waltz With Bashir

    Jaysis, I can't even begin to think of a good reason to walk out? What point did they leave at? I didn't really think that it was an insight into the Israeli mindset in particular, rather I thought it more broad than that, I thought it was more about personal experience of war. The fact that...
  2. sarah

    first day of christmas

    I always thought that it start on the 6th cause that's when some beardy guy with a stick starts skulking around the kindergardens in Germany handing out presents and scaring kids. In the netherlands he gets them on the 5th:
  3. sarah

    Good online camera shops

    Hey, I know there are recommendations throughout various threads as to where people buy equipment and gear and such like, but could we have a thread dedicated to all shops. Sticky maybe? Also if you guys have found a reputable ebay store (s) where you are happy spending the big money also...
  4. sarah

    great non-Engrish language songs

  5. sarah

    great non-Engrish language songs

    Not my favourite version but love this!
  6. sarah

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Awemazing, shocking...highly recommend.
  7. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    If you are using armadillos you might they are tight as a tight thing and a nightmare to get on to certain rims but worth the hassle.
  8. sarah

    Random Photos

    Pretty cool as well! cheers kinda obvious now you've said it. :rolleyes:
  9. sarah

    Random Photos

    Holy shit that first one is a lesson in amazing framing! really striking shot. edit: how did you get the sky to look like that?
  10. sarah

    photography wankers

    Hey nooly, cool pumpkin carving, but I do think you took too much offense at the comment. Personally I would assume that photographs submitted for critical evaluation were ones that had some sort of idea or concept behind it. I'm sure everyone's stream is made up of a combination of snapshots...
  11. sarah

    east timor

    Ditto to the above, would love to know more details on the shots whether loads of photoshop was involved or just clever flash use. Those nature shots are amazing too.
  12. sarah

    !kaboogie & assquake: THE BUG & WARRIOR QUEEN / KING CANNIBAL / & more....

    last time I saw the bug I had to stand in a darkened corner for ages afterwards face was bright red for ages. morto. deadly fun though! Edit: tickets on the door or also being sold beforehand?
  13. sarah

    Promoters - New Venue (100 cap.) - Free to hire!

    has anyone been to anything in this recently? any good? saw all the toys stuck to the outside and am intrigued as to wether it will regain an atmosphere. hope so loved the scruffy deadly vibe it had before.
  14. sarah

    Random Photos

    Jaysis, the quality of pics on this thread is just getting better and better, La La love those autumnal pics! Janer your black and white pic reminds me of a pencil drawing were the bare minimum of information conveys soo much deadly. Goffs looks like the background of a B-movie set. always a...
  15. sarah

    Being Felt up by a Stranger at a Gig - GUYS ONLY THREAD

    Ah at the rate you's thumped lads are going, there'll be way too many kids anyhow.
  16. sarah

    Being Felt up by a Stranger at a Gig - GUYS ONLY THREAD

    When I was a teenager I whacked a guys' willy with a can of cat food. I happened to be swinging it around in a shopping bag, as you do, and he had the bad luck to be walking behind me. I legged it in embarrassment so couldn't give a report on extent of damage caused.
  17. sarah

    Janer Interesting Macro discussion

    As you were enquiring about the type of macro lense i was using. Here's a good discussion I came across using normal lenses to get the macro effect.
  18. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    I very much doubt there will ever be a speed limit for bikes. they would have to sell bikes with speedometers before that could happen. Lowering speed limits to crawling speed is just going to make people driving more frustrated and angry. Just ban cars from city centre.
  19. sarah

    Derrick Dalton

    God that is shockingly sad, poor poor Laura and his family, I really feel for all of them and his close friends. Very sad news, sincere condolences.