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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Selling a car

    Rocking thanks a million Ro et to boards thanks!
  2. sarah

    Voices that put your teeth on edge.

    oh and men who sing in annoying, "my voice is breaking with emotion" whispery voices. A la Eliot Smith, although I have grown to like a few of his songs through prolonged exposure.
  3. sarah

    Voices that put your teeth on edge.

    Reminded me Kimya Dawson I find my myself being nearly unable to be objective about any movie that uses her on the soundtrack. Irritating as hell.
  4. sarah

    Selling a car

    Anyone ever done this? Where do you advertise any top tips or things to avoid? I got a car cheap off the uncle so now wanna get rid of mine as it's just gotten through the nct so think it might be more attractive to buyers. It's an 01 daewoo matiz. I'm happy with the banger I'm trading it...
  5. sarah

    I'm Going Back to College!

    Cool well I wish you all the best, would like to hear some updates in a year or so on how you're finding the course, I'm only finishing second year of undergrad so a long long way to go. I'll be ancient finishing it if I do decide to go ahead and do it, which is slightly scary to think about...
  6. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    No he made a quick getaway in his hi-ace. I'll slash his tires in the morning though.
  7. sarah

    I'm Going Back to College!

    Woah congratulations! that is some achievement. thinking about something similar myself.. where you doing it? Out of curiosity what kinda work experience did you have clincial reserach etc? thanks. Just been reading the clinpsy forum which is totally freaking me out seems so very competitive..
  8. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    I was out front giving my bike a bit of a scrub, but wearing nice clothes as I was heading into town after. A builder guy walks out of next door, so I close my front door to stop the hound running at him, which sets the dog barking like mad. Builder says " i hope he appreciates all the scrubbing...
  9. sarah

    Favourite holidays

    Looks cool.
  10. sarah

    Voices that put your teeth on edge.

    Inspired by the reactions of some to deerhoofs' singer.. was streaming lastfm and O'Death came on... something about that guys' voice that makes me want to rupture my ear drum, my back muscles clench. Also Fight like apes the lady from that. aargh.
  11. sarah

    Favourite holidays

    last June Iceland, stayed in Reykjavik for a few days, then drove towards Hekla... glaciers, waterfalls, boiling water spurting out of the ground, what's not to love. or years ago, three of us to prague and then on the train to Krakow, got robbed, back to prague. Great fun loads of memories.
  12. sarah

    Deerhoof Irish tour

    Like the singer in the ex, who I also love, she's an acquired taste. The drummer is bloody amazing, looking forward to this!
  13. sarah

    I have the horn for...

    the middle one's slip thing was an unfortunate choice of clothing, looks like her boobs are melting.
  14. sarah

    I have the horn for...

    Yep,was about to say looks like someone is teasing her with a bagel out of shot to the left.:p
  15. sarah

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    I liked the one: "Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water?" Sounds like a good thing to be fascinated by. There's a guy in work who's has aspergers and I definitely can see how the questions would apply. this is in relation to the slowly flowing water question. really...
  16. sarah

    Random Photos

    The colour on those shots is rocking loving the richness of the tones!
  17. sarah

    Jaysus cycling!

    This last bit I found to be true of barcelona, worst cyclists I have ever seen, all wobbly and cycling very precariously on pavements. Also guy in full lycra get up that seemed to be getting on a bike for the first time. However it wasn't specifically fixie people. Anyway what's wrong with...
  18. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    somehow that's especially worrying when read with your signature.
  19. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    snuff, by the looks of it.
  20. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    you look like you've just been caught at something bold by your mammy.