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  • Before: Apr 17, 2011
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Amazing film - it was everything that 'I'm gonna sucka tryed to be. An excellent parody of the genre without spitting in its eye. It was great that they showed it in the Screen cinema too. A zest for kung-fu treachery is not an admirable trait...
  2. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Cthulhu (2000) Mega-low budget Ozzie version of The Thing on the Doorstep. Despite poor production values, dark and grainy cinematography and subpar acting, I still kinda liked it. Nice how they throw in the plot to The Dunwich Horror half way through.
  3. Ferox13

    Will A Laptop boot Without An LCD Screen?

    Yeah - thats what I've done. Its tucked away out of sight under the TV stand now.. Thanks.
  4. Ferox13

    I Spit On Your Grave banned. Again.

    Ya its Paul Morrissys trash alright...Though I've never seen it I do think Joe Dallesandro is dreamy :-)
  5. Ferox13

    I Spit On Your Grave banned. Again.

    Agree - there has always been a lot of condesending snobbery when it came to film censorship - I always love this quote from a member of the British Censorship Board in the 70's: 'It’s all very well for sophisticated middle-class people going to the ICA to see Andy Warhol’s Trash, but think of...
  6. Ferox13

    I Spit On Your Grave banned. Again.

    Film censor boards have always taken it easier on art house films that weren't directed by Ken Russell but in recent years very few films seem to get cut. The new Piranha move had a 3d severed cock in it and it still only got a 16 cert.. Bring back the good old days where the distributor for...
  7. Ferox13

    I Spit On Your Grave banned. Again.

    LOL Nooly - you spent some time pondering that :-) Anyone see the remake...its not bad for for what it is though the revenge bits are on the verge of being 'saw like'..
  8. Ferox13

    Will A Laptop boot Without An LCD Screen?

    Cool - I presume I just detact the ribbon cable.
  9. Ferox13

    Will A Laptop boot Without An LCD Screen?

    I have an old laptop with a broken screen. I was thinking of using it to download torrents. I was wondering if I remove the screen totally will the laptop still book up. I was thinking of accessing via the net work (and using log me in).
  10. Ferox13

    Dublin Film Festival 2011

    LOL deadly
  11. Ferox13

    Hard drive always being accessed?

    Cheers mate I will do...
  12. Ferox13

    Hard drive always being accessed?

    Demonic Possession was my first guess and after much holy water flinging I think I've ruled this out. These are the processes running: I have an external Seagate that can't accesses randomly as well...And that hasn't died on me. The thing is if i need to return it - being an Aldi computer...
  13. Ferox13

    Hard drive always being accessed?

    I actually turned that off...
  14. Ferox13

    Hard drive always being accessed?

    I picked up one of those Aldi PCs last week (its running window 7). The hard drive seems to be making noise like I'm constantly writing to it even if the PC is being left idle. I turned off the Windows indexing service but didn't seem to have made much difference..Could it be my Anti-virus...
  15. Ferox13

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    I think Barnett might win it now... But who can tell....I so wanted to see Fedor fight and beat Oveream and then fight Barnett.
  16. Ferox13

    David Simon's 'Treme'

  17. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I agree....
  18. Ferox13

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    Sweet Jesus its Bizarro world....
  19. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Dogtooth - pretty interesting film about life in a typical Greek family..
  20. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    The Tobe Hooper one is the worst in the series. Joe Dantes and John Carpenter are the best in that season though I have a soft spot for Gordons Lovecraft adaptation.