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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    Real Life Book Club

    Thanks Shane! Brilliant, I will pick something up at the weekend.
  2. timbot

    Real Life Book Club

    Read some Brian Aldiss years ago and really disliked it. I can't remember what the series was but it had to do with a species living on a planet with a really long trip around the sun so winter and summer were both thousands of years long. Is that typical of his work or is there something...
  3. timbot

    MBV Gigs

    I have heard rumours of Elec Picnic alright but it might just be wishful thinking...
  4. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    I would disagree on First and Last Men it is a really great book, quite unlike alot of sci-fi and written in a really nice style. I was always a fan of the Dune series. The first book is great, the next few are ok, the last 2 are for completists. Don't go near the new histories written by...
  5. timbot

    The Office (US) appreciation thread.

    It's class, I think the early episodes that are based on episodes from the original are not so good but the ones they write on their own are brilliant. From the episode I saw last night: "Do you want to be loved or feared?" "Easy - both, I want people to be afraid of how much they love me"
  6. timbot

    Autechre Quaristice Preview

    Ootini, your birthday lists are unmanageable! Does this take precedence over the USB rocket launcher?
  7. timbot

    What's the first film you saw in the cinema?

    I went to see Bambi aged about 5 with my uncle. I bawled for days after ("how could they kill his mother, etc"). That kept me away for a few years and then I went to see My Girl which was similarily deathcentric. Then for my 9th birthday I wanted to go see Beethoven with my 2 friends. The...
  8. timbot

    Galway Band Need Lead Guitarist

    Try throwing a rock down the street and see if the guy you hit will play with you....
  9. timbot

    Glen Hansard-Genius or Chancer?

    Yeah, I think it would be unfair to disqualify him, sure it is not like it is God Bless Mom or some other tune he has been hauling around the country for 15 years now. Although, if he breaks the WAG picket then I have an excuse to get all angry with him like. Sweet.
  10. timbot

    Exercise is bad for you

  11. timbot

    embarrassing records you've bought.

    Hmmm...Babylon Zoo's album was pretty awful. My love of hair metal in my early teens was pretty bad too. I still sing along to "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake when I gets drunk...
  12. timbot

    Guys, what's the closest you've come to losing your willy?

    I was playing games in secondary school except I wasn't any good so me and a bunch of the lads used to just hang around the goal posts chatting. One of the lads was hanging from his feet off the crossbar, he slipped, his sack got caught in one of the netting hooks and he left it and his two...
  13. timbot

    Vitamin/Mineral Supplement smells rank

    hard to tell if the pills are actually effective or is the placebo effect. Did you ever read Ben Goldacre in the Guardian - he writes the Bad Science column. He tends to rail against things like this (well, homeopathy in particular) but talks about the awesome power of the placebo effect...
  14. timbot

    Dawkins / The Root of All Evil (merged)

    I think any of Dawkins pure science books (the Selfish Gene and the Blind Watchmaker) are essential reading. They really just opened my eyes to the full significance of evolution and how it works. One idea I thought was very interesting was the idea that the unit of evolution is the gene. So...
  15. timbot

    Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem

    Seriously though, the tagline is "On Earth, everyone can hear you scream". That is stupid.
  16. timbot


    I didn't get to see them this time (sold out, shame). I did go and see them 2/3 years ago playing support to Four Tet in London. It was brilliant, pushed my way to the front of the stage with my hulking friend Conor (all 6 foot 6 of him) and we were standing about 2 feet from one of the...
  17. timbot

    What's the closest UB40 have ever driven you to violence?

    I was at a work party and a bunch of us went back to one of the lads houses. He pulls out a keyboard and plays "red red wine" badly while drunk and sang it through, I was gone before he got to the second chorus.
  18. timbot

    she's a dark horse alright... Boyfriend brings his girlfriend around on a leash. Bus company got upset. It was reported as a "teenager" in all the papers which made me a little sad for the girl and then I found out she was 19 so I didnt feel so bad. She is old...
  19. timbot

    php and mysql question

    I wonder if it reading CD as a change directory command in MySQL? Bizarre though.
  20. timbot

    she's a dark horse alright...

    Are they the couple who got banned from the bus in Yorkshire?