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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    Classic Labels

  2. timbot

    Classic Labels

    Twere a joke...
  3. timbot

    Classic Labels

  4. timbot

    thumped census

    Business Analyst/Project Manager
  5. timbot

    Rambo popular in Burma

    Apparantly Sylvester Stallone has offered to come over and show the Burmese "where the bodies are buried". ?
  6. timbot

    thumped census

    Aren't you officially a fecal engineer?
  7. timbot

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Tis really good. I normally get a bit annoyed with bios of musicians but it is a really good read.
  8. timbot

    Post your latest dreams here

    I had really bad nightmares on Tuesday night. In one all my friends were lined up in front of me and I had to choose 10 to live. It was pretty awful.
  9. timbot

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    That sounds like Underworld actually - the whole first chapter is set at a baseball game in the 1950s and there is an ongoing plot about someone trying to buy the winning ball from that game. Yeah, I am finding it quite boring but one of the guys I live with is doing his PhD in English at the...
  10. timbot

    Life Festival

    I wouldnt be a psy trance fan at all but I went to it last year and it was great. There is plenty on other than psy trance (although Chris Clark did cancel) and the grounds are lovely. Really well organised and loads of people at it and if you buy your tickets when they first come on sale they...
  11. timbot

    Mint Restaurant

    Yeah, he came off as quite strange on it. Lots of hugging at the end though. Did you notice that between the start and the finish most of the guys working in the kitchen had changed?
  12. timbot

    Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

    Why is your avatar the Easter Bunny then? Are you actually the fallen one in disguise?
  13. timbot

    Michael McDonald - Vicar Street 16th June

    I read this as Michael MacDowall first and got horribly confused...
  14. timbot

    RTE News Poll Questions

    Did anyone see that the Herald AM ran a text in vote yesterday - should Dustin compete in the Eurovision? The result was 100% yes!
  15. timbot

    Life in Cold Blood

    Watched it last night. I hope it was just an introductory episode because I didnt think it was great. What was with all the CGI as well?
  16. timbot


    Actually, a key difference for me would be that Mogwai tend to take a piece of music or two and just sit on them. Tracy, 2 wrongs make 1 right, etc all pretty much have one or two ideas and Mogwai explore the 2 ideas as much as they can over the course of the song. Which is great. Explosions...
  17. timbot

    Who gives a shit?

    I used to always find Joe Dolan to be the most irritating thing on radio.
  18. timbot

    What are you really good at?

    Tekken 2
  19. timbot

    Most unnecessary remake ever......

    Psycho remake, awful. Pointless. The bits that were different were the worst bits in the film; the bits that were the same were exactly the same. I don't get it...
  20. timbot

    No Country For Old Men

    It is a good old film alright, didnt see it in the cinema though but still enjoyed it.