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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    Guitar Care

    Me thinks the lady doth protest too much
  2. timbot

    Would this annoy you?

    Also, arguments are alot easier to sort out because you have an existing relationship with the person
  3. timbot

    Would this annoy you?

    Because they were hungry and ate some and then thought it would be better to replace them all as if they had never eaten any than to leave them half eaten there. But, to be fair, I think that is fairly reasonable behaviour for housesharing.
  4. timbot

    did you ever wish you could just have a Rocky montage instead?

    Well, it is the song I would have playing if I was ever in a boxing match but probably just the opening riff of CKY's 96 quite bitter beings over and over and over...
  5. timbot

    tea and biccies

    Depends on the biscuit. Even if I am not a big fan of the biscuit in question (in)digestives for instance then 1 or 2 for soakage. It is happens to be a favourite biscuit (toffeepops) then I eat the whole pack like the greedy fucker I am.
  6. timbot

    Best fry one can get in Dublin

    Actually, the last few times I was in there I dounf them really rude as well. Slow to take an order and surly when you were paying. Because I used to go there loads and stopped going for a while I assumed I caught them on an off day. Maybe they are just getting crap though?
  7. timbot

    I'm a tool.

    I was watching Apocalypse Now for the first time on video when I was about 15. Just when it got to the acid scene someone had taped over with a few minutes of Wimbledon coverage. Boy was I confused. To this day I wonder was it accidental or deliberate?
  8. timbot

    did you ever smoke after a tooth extraction?

    If you are really hanging would it be worth getting patches to take the edge off? Especially if you are getting more work done and will have to give up for days again.
  9. timbot

    Are all landlords wankers?

    I have had a mixed bag of landlords, some incompetent, some inept and some really good. The worst crew I had were a letting agency who were really penny pinching. They sued me over and ESB bill and it was only when it came to the small claims court that I was able to make the reasonable...
  10. timbot

    Would this annoy you?

    Yeah, that would drive me nuts. I moved into a house with 2 other guys when the lad who was living there moved out. The ESB bill was literally a third of what it was when he was living there. Turns out he used to leave the heater on in his room all day and then when he got home he would crack...
  11. timbot

    Life's Simple Pleasures

    Coffee + papers with friends on a Sunday morning
  12. timbot

    Life in cold blood

    Yeah, it was really brilliant! They looked almost like plasticene claymation or something I thought! Thing I learned from watching Life in Cold Blood - the amphibian world involves alot of slime.
  13. timbot

    Aggro at gigs recently

    I remember Galway used to have a great rowdy but not violent feel at gigs. That was 2/3 years ago now though. Havent been to any Dublin gigs lately though.
  14. timbot

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    Not fit at all at the moment but I am working on it. Swim 50 lengths 3 times a week, cycle every day, started hill walking and whatnot. Starting to feel a bit better now. Still I smoke and drink so probably wont end up that fit...
  15. timbot

    RIP Chief Brody

    Darwin miss Roy
  16. timbot

    Dead Dog

    Hey Johnny, grew up on a farm myself. There is likely to be one or two in any farm you visit. If you know anyone and ask them can you walk their land you will find one over the course of the day. It is older animals you will find because obviously farmers do not leave their livestock rot in the...
  17. timbot

    Simon Amstell

    Yeah, he is witty, funny. I like him!
  18. timbot

    Slide Guitar

    Actually, on the topic, anyone know the Iron and Wine song "Upward over the Mountain"? There is a lovely slide piece in that (sounds reasonably easy as well) but I cant figure out what he is playing it on - banjo, guitar, pedal steel? Anyone know? Lovely song though!
  19. timbot

    Best fry one can get in Dublin

    I really like the fry in busy feet in town - the vegetarian fry in there is lovely.