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  1. rumpus

    Newstalk session Friday Knight

    or Knightclubbing? or a long days journey into Knight? et cetera et cetera et cetera
  2. rumpus

    Boxes album in Road Records

  3. rumpus

    White Poo

    ye mean none besides yerself ya fiwlfee animoe! cat's are just waiting for us to fall asleep so they can eat our eyes dogs are poor dumb shits and great company birds in cages...well that's just ridiculous now, the TARSIER, that's a pet I've always wanted you've got to love...
  4. rumpus

    Newstalk session Friday Knight

    when can I get the album? I really want to here it...I listen to that mp3 'bright eye' many lovely key changes and chords. ???
  5. rumpus

    when you're hungover as a bejaysus

    Pantone has a mucky neck
  6. rumpus

    when you're hungover as a bejaysus

    enchantress! I must have her.
  7. rumpus

    when you're hungover as a bejaysus

    next time I see you I promise (note to self: never see pantene 747 again) :D
  8. rumpus

    when you're hungover as a bejaysus

    I love all those suggestions - but I really need music that sounds like I feel fragile, dry, that kind of cosey sickness music you wrap up in like a quilt and rock back and forward to... I also get emotional when hunover anyone else? one morning after a biiiig one, I wept while...
  9. rumpus

    when you're hungover as a bejaysus

    ...listen to 'Hisser' by Howe Gelb that is all :(
  10. rumpus

    New Tycho Brahe mp3

    Tiz very nice indeed. almost bjorkish in its production. Look forward to the album.
  11. rumpus

    true story

    ugh lads ugh ok ....and then I met mike stipe and he felt horney so I says 'fuck me mitten.'
  12. rumpus

    music is shite

    neither really, unless rhythm = talking heads I suppose more philip glass goes more industrial or sumthink... ...with lots of samples (one of which is a recording of an exorcism)
  13. rumpus

    music is shite

    eno and dave byrne - 'my life in the bush of ghosts' a must have - very rhythmic and scarey.
  14. rumpus

    music is shite

    must be a pretty big hem.. Yeah I think anyone who makes music gets sick and tired of it at some point...but the good news is this makes you change something and progress......there'd be something seriously wrong if music always left you pleased with yourself god, I'm such a 'state the...
  15. rumpus

    Room needed! (help)

    hey Tom, make sure you stick this up on ''. It's a sure fire way of geting someone if you're having trouble.
  16. rumpus

    Calling All Cyclists!

    Thanks, but I'm not sure about that. See I have this real important job and I don't get much time for music or 'chatrooms'. I'll stick to porn but cheers all the same.
  17. rumpus

    Calling All Cyclists!

    Hi Billy, I'm into sitting at home watching really bad movies. I hate gatherings and have no time for getting invlolved with any scene, cause or collective. Is there some event you can hook me up with? :) :p
  18. rumpus

    Last nights tele

    ah Poor Damon...but I do love that Mali music album (and not in a worthy, oh lovely world music a 'it's good' way) sleeper - she was sooo pretty I never cared what they sounded gallagher - I'd pay good money to see him stripped naked and spit on, the silly fuck. Jarvis - a...
  19. rumpus

    vocal training.......

    the only advice I ever listened to: 1. Unless it sounds corney, always sing it like you really mean it. 2. If it keeps sounding corney, sing it like you're bored. This helps avoid melodrama (which is usually the problem). 3. The more you sing, the better you get. 4. Never ever...
  20. rumpus

    music is shite

    sometimes I'd rather listen to recorded sounds of anything other than if music is the least interesting thing I could hear... and sometimes there's is absolutely no music I rate at everything ever done is just a contrived, impure, wasted opportunity to do something...