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  • Before: May 19, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    Old School Hardcore cover night

    Good idea. Suggestion: "The eliminator" by Agnostic Front.
  2. robitusson

    Ovo, Estel, Drainland - Whelans(upstairs),Thurs MAy 14

    Just caught the end of Drainland. Very early on-stage and finishing up times. Estel were... Metal points for that.
  3. robitusson

    Ovo, Estel, Drainland - Whelans(upstairs),Thurs MAy 14

    Jolly good. See you there.
  4. robitusson

    AIB Directors pelted with eggs

    Yup. It's a risk. They took it. It failed. Tough fucking shit.
  5. robitusson

    richard dawkins

  6. robitusson

    stopping boozing

    Just wondering about the diagnosis thing. Statistics put AA's success rate at about 5%. This is worth a read too.
  7. robitusson

    Vegan parents kill baby by starvation

    Band name potential. "Good evening mutherfuckers! We are Emaciated Hippie Newborn. Make some noooooooise!!!"
  8. robitusson

    stopping boozing

    Who diagnosed them as addicts?
  9. robitusson

    stopping boozing

    AA is fundamentally a religious institution. Their system basically involves abstaining from booze (sin) by submitting to a higher power (God) through prayer (prayer obviously). They also maintain it's the only way to give up booze, diagnose alcoholics themselves (which can mean anyone basically...
  10. robitusson

    stopping boozing

    Gave it up in 2000 and have been completely off it since then. Giving it up initially isn't so hard. Staying off it in the initial months and on into the long run and maintaining your resolve over the years can be trickier. I wouldn't recommend complete abstinence. A balanced approach, if you...
  11. robitusson

    richard dawkins

    Indeed. Dick Dawkins' world is a machine that will eventually be understood and quantified in its entirety. People are merely humourless, sexless vehicles for DNA. Annoying short-sighted twat.
  12. robitusson

    9/11 conspiracy theories

  13. robitusson

    That old t-shirt..

    Sean has that shirt I'm pretty sure.
  14. robitusson

    9/11 conspiracy theories

    Q.E.D. The joooooooooz did it!!!
  15. robitusson

    9/11 conspiracy theories

    It was the jooooooooooooooooz!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. robitusson

    angels and demons...good jaysis

    9-11 conspiracy theories? Holocaust denial? Far too controversial. Much easier to go for Brown's brand of bollockology for your fix of having "edgy" historical/political views.
  17. robitusson

    Saviours (USA) / De Novissimis / Realistic Train / Sylvia Plath - 3/5

    Indeed. Cork's finest. Why yes I am an English teacher. :)
  18. robitusson

    It's Official: Dublin is the friendliest city in Europe

    The weather's great too, and it has to be said the value's excellent.