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  • Before: May 19, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    Limp Wrist @ 1 in 12 Club, Bradford, UK

    Not personally, for sure. Never met them myself but I'm sure they're delightful to know. Their lyrics and attitude as a band though, definitely. The only good thing I can think to say about them is they shared a split 7" with the mighty Urko.
  2. robitusson

    Limp Wrist @ 1 in 12 Club, Bradford, UK

    Fun-hating, puritanical, miserable curmudgeons. :mad::mad:
  3. robitusson

    Mad Men Season 2 Tonight bbc4

    Yes? :confused: What is it?
  4. robitusson

    Limp Wrist @ 1 in 12 Club, Bradford, UK

    Limp Wrist are gay.
  5. robitusson

    International Women's Day - 8th March

    Isn't Valentine's day women's day? No?
  6. robitusson

    Upcoming Bad Brains documentary

    Awsum. One of the greatest bands of all time.
  7. robitusson

    Setanta verses some guy video

    Field sports players? Behaving like violent jocks? Never!
  8. robitusson

    Black Metal Recommendations

    Sent of for this today. Boy, I am hip....or at least I will be when it arrives.
  9. robitusson

    Black Metal Recommendations
  10. robitusson

    New Tomahawk album

    Bloody world music loving hippie. This /\ is not metal.
  11. robitusson

    Gerry Ryan - some neck

    Gerry Ryan, prick.
  12. robitusson

    If a band can't exist exist without money, then the band shouln't exist.

    If you can't post on thumped when you should be working, then you shouldn't bother with it.
  13. robitusson

    New Tomahawk album

    Hope it's better than the last Hiyawatha piece o' shit they released.
  14. robitusson on the News, WTF?!

  15. robitusson

    International Blastbeat Celebration Day

    It's today. Happy blastbeat day!
  16. robitusson

    she should be bleedin Scarlett!!!

    Her rack is better.
  17. robitusson

    New Kylesa album

    Listening now. Rocks like a mo-fo so far.
  18. robitusson

    International Blastbeat Celebration Day 0.43 sec
  19. robitusson


    Only made a few minutes into it. He's pretty dull.