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  1. T

    2023 Albums of interest

    wondering what the temperature was on the set when they shot this two dudes topless, but one dude with full-on leather jacket — surely someone must be very cold? or very hot?
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    The Looming War Over Taiwan

    or, to put it another way, there are elections, and there is democracy, and the two things do not always correlate or overlap neatly
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    The Looming War Over Taiwan

    there are plenty of potential criticisms to make about china, but it is a bit unpersuasive to incessantly characterise the chinese government as a “dictatorship” — when intended as a term of denigration. according to harvard university (not exactly a pro-china place), real satisfaction with the...
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    The Looming War Over Taiwan

    ...others — hong kong was never a democracy during the time of british colonial control. the very first election ever held in hong kong was in 1995, *after* the british had already agreed to hand over to the chinese. so they had 150 years of colonialism, and then two years of window-dressing...
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    Bored In Work 1114

    this man is a genius this is a thing of great beauty
  6. T

    2023 Albums of interest

    a bit broadcast-esque, I like it
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    Hellworld Thread

    cycled past this yesterday evening
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    have to imagine that whatever lowly apparatchik actually wrote the article was probably cast into a dungeon after this got published — really profound ignorance on proud display
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    Hellworld Thread hamas has a strange PR problem resulting from being more successful than they thought they would be — the chancers that came in their wake *did* do plenty of raping and pillaging and killing, but hamas can’t really turn around and say it was all the fault of gaza civilians. this is not to...
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    Hellworld Thread

    also it’s sort of grimly absurd that the emerging convention in israeli media in referring to october 7th is to call it “השבת השחורה” — literally, black sabbath
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    Hellworld Thread

    if the source is too much, you can always go to the original version on Ynet news — total middle-of-the-road israeli mainstream news channel — you’ll need to google-translate it from hebrew, though
  12. T

    Hellworld Thread

    ...things worth looking at the whole thread the person posting it is a hardcore pro-assad internet personality, just so you know what you’re getting into here. but the claims being asserted *do* potentially explain some of the weirder aspects of october 7th (like all those blown-up cars).
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    Mary Ocher/Elaine Malone

    oh cool — dubliners, go see mary, she’s great
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    alternatively we could regard it as a victory of sorts that the march is widely viewed as legitimate, popular, democratic, broad-based, etc... meanwhile, opposition to the march is so thin and brittle that it almost immediately devolves into intra-elite bickering and jockeying among senior...
  15. T

    Hellworld Thread

    all the doomscrolling I’ve done in the last few weeks has had at least one moment of absurd lightness, which is this photo of lebanese militia members in beirut in 1982 hamas is clearly tragically losing the sexiness wars
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    Hellworld Thread

    was thinking yesterday about how the israeli side are running out of rhetorical options, probably faster than they thought they would. It was mostly related to the stunt they pulled at the UN with putting on yellow star badges — but the bullshit stories about babies in ovens is a similar case...
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    stalin was kind enough to give them a backup israel — 837 jewish inhabitants as of 2021...
  18. T

    Hellworld Thread

    arab journalist (woman, unveiled) grilling hamas dude on al arabiya... very interesting to get a glimpse at this kind of thing
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    A U2 Thread

    oh, is this just some TV moment that my brother decided to embellish into his own little story? the cad.
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    A U2 Thread

    my brother used to work in a pub in dalkey for a while when he was studying, and did occasionally observe the actual reality of what you present as a thought experiment. one time some spanish person recognised him and asked him for a selfie — and also handed their phone over to the the other...