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  1. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Not wearing clips is insane. But well done, must be a great buzz
  2. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

  3. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Dont even need the box this was mine going to spain
  4. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Air Lingus used to have no need for a bag policy, just removing pedals and 90 degree the handlebars and tape up anything loose.
  5. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I'd recommend doing westport all the way to the tip of achill on day one, and the reverse on day 2. I guess if time was limited trim it down for sure, but I do sorta thing of starting in a reasonable enough town and see and all these landscapes reveal themselves is a nice part of it.
  6. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Imagine the tweets of people heard someone not working got something from the tax pool
  7. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I wonder if you could get the dole to give you a letter to say you need it to look for work
  8. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Bloody greens
  9. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

  10. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Bloody greens
  11. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    my hope is to use mine to park outside the traffic for work, or just use bus / bike totally
  12. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I got a sorta similar one recently too but it is still a heap of shame in my shed. I'm the problem, not the bike
  13. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Also bear in mind, insurance companies have been throwing money at cycling in ireland for the past few years. they see the cushy car owner market dwindling and are astro turfing to fuck up cycling instead. Mad that ebikes are gonna be speed limited but eh, every car on the market can pretty...
  14. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Does it include you creeps who cycle over 25kmh on acoustic bikes?
  15. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    They aren't doing anything wrong, i'm kinda the problem here by being bored of them. Anywhoo a lady with two kids did a big thread this week about having one for the past six months and getting on great with it - one thing notable was that they were being really selective about their routes to...
  16. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I've gotten pretty bored of cargo bike twitter but unfortuntately i kinda know some of them in person and am too chicken to mute them all.
  17. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    The ones i see mostly are in the young people working in tech jobs district with sorta hints of vespa style chic floating around them - I think they are somewhere between delaying or avoiding a first car buy. I drive to a satellite town and get the bus a bit and theres always a few scooters on...
  18. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    The eco friendly angle comes more from using one as a car substitute than a bike replacement. I saw a graphic recently which was showing something like the new audi electric thing being the same amount of battery as something like 100 scooters. People have to learn to use the road somewhere...
  19. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I seem to be on hoods/tops a lot on that lingo and have my geometry a little biased for it, I like the drops for the first half of the commute though because it opens out a bit in a few spots - My *new* bike is flat bar though, i'll have to bond with it.
  20. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    Day three is always really tough, you aren't letting your muscles repair on that schedule