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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    black forest / black sea, united bible studies, bullets - doyles tonight

    thats just down right mean! tis tis
  2. mc moley

    GZ presents pre-easter rock out!

    i say now too much i just noticed, now
  3. mc moley

    GZ presents pre-easter rock out!

    oh your fucked now it'll just be me and eoin at the gig now!! looking forward to this for about 3 months now!
  4. mc moley

    NOFX tickets

    no stephen they actually do want a grand. i was on their booking manager and he was like 'well they usually get a couple of grand per gig so....' and i was like hear this is gonna be a small gig ill see what i can do..itll prob be around 500 mark. then he said well try to get as close to a...
  5. mc moley

    NOFX tickets

    nah ill hold out i reckon i can get at least 100 for it. thanks anyway though
  6. mc moley

    puget sound

    bollix to that. im going away for most of the summer. i wanted to see those new songs on the split live.
  7. mc moley

    Mayday events.

    and i only have to shave like once a week....jealous?
  8. mc moley

    puget sound

    what are they doing when they get back? when are they back actually? if im away for their return gig i will actually cry. has anybody been listening to their old album feels like one of those 'back in the day' albums now that the split is out. by the way anybody want a copy...
  9. mc moley

    GZ presents pre-easter rock out!

    damo do we need to bring gear or will true north hav it all? we blew our lovely pa but will be fixed soon. cant wait for this.....never played in the lower deck before. its a nice little line up as well.
  10. mc moley

    Mayday events.

    may 6th turn 19, laugh at you's for being old may 7th probably wont have a hangover, but will be inspecting for newfound hairs on chest, as expected with coming of age.
  11. mc moley

    NOFX tickets

    i dont know what im gonna do....i fucking hate nofx yet i have one of these 'golden tickets' (seeing how im putting on the gig) and i gotta put up with these morons for a whole night(they'rte staying in my house.) i might put them up in a b&b down the road from me as i really have a strong...
  12. mc moley

    some of you in Limerick may be interested in this..

    i think they should change their name to ten past sven. then they could ride the whole swedish band thing. anyone got anyother names that might work?
  13. mc moley

    NOFX want to play Kilcoole

    heres the line up... nofx bad religion langdon beck no compliance break down the play skool mafia kid blunt dog shoot boy plus many others my gaf 7 o klock april 1st come one come all! above is kilcoole trivia....prizes to whoever can link the most bands!!! stephen your not alowed play!
  14. mc moley

    all ages gig in city arts centre

    what dylan is referring to is... g1 said they'ed give us free stuff an stickers at the gig if we put a dvs or g1 banner behind the bands..... i think its ok no big deal some free shit! they also want .... G1 logos on fliers and then they'd give us loads of money, which would mean free or...
  15. mc moley

    Hardened Anarchists in "I will vote" Shocker!

    glad ya said this! you of all people know the way i like to stay away from all things political.....its cuz i prefer to believe in something along the lines of your statement above. the reason i was saying vote for a liberal leader was because it would be better to live under someone who is...
  16. mc moley

    Hardened Anarchists in "I will vote" Shocker!

    cormy do ya not think that by not doing anything your letting the worst possible kind of leaders into power..... if you tried to pick the best one and work from there would it not be better. your not changing anything by not voting. your pretty much giving them the fucking vote. obviously i...
  17. mc moley

    My Remorse Would Like To Play Kilcoole

    sorry my remorse i cant help ya out...i've got 2 gigs booked for april and the bill is full to bits......maybe someother time. i'd liked to have helped you, maybe next time!
  18. mc moley

    Hardened Anarchists in "I will vote" Shocker!

    i agree...think of how much money everyone spends on image. its a load of shit. count how many piercings everyone has then times that by 20(random guess of cost of piercing and jewlery) and it adds up to loads. its a total waste of money. now add up the hair dye and cool fashion...
  19. mc moley

    Hardened Anarchists in "I will vote" Shocker!

    whats the craic with your kid ownsie? will he be allowed in if the outcome is bad? i dont see the problem in voting.......i know its jepradising your morals/ideals to suit somebody elses.....but. if all the people who spoiled votes or didnt bother voting in certain elections, such as the u.s.a...
  20. mc moley

    all ages gig in city arts centre

    just noticed dylans post taste of foot in my mouth.