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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot


    He keeps texting me looking for his hat back.
  2. timbot

    Mongrel and Foggy Notions RIP

    Nah, I thought Mongrel was good, made me laugh and was a decent publication for free. I can see why people didnt like it though. I never warmed to Foggy Notions though. Alot of the articles were purportedly and astoundingly overwritten leaving nascent readers countrywide bemoaning the lack of...
  3. timbot

    Quotes from your parents

    My mum is a Dylan fanatic, when he played Cork 2 years ago she went along and threw a hat she knitted him on stage. After she asked me "He will get it won't he?" I told her that they had someone employed to pick these kind of things off stage and give them to him. Although to this day I am...
  4. timbot

    Useless fact you learned today

    This is in an English document on an investment product: In strictness, investors who do not have a permanent residential address (because, for example, they live on a houseboat that does not have a home mooring) cannot subscribe to an ISA. It's the specifity I love, not just living in a...
  5. timbot

    Pronunciation Pricks

    Yeah, I guess I just think it is a bit reductive to assume that there is one "correct" way to pronounce all words (the Queen's English). Ireland is famous for the number of accents in such a small country and I love the diversity of pronunciation. I would happily live with a few mangled words to...
  6. timbot

    When you get home and your REALLY locked and then...

    Yeah, I was wondering what the story was as well? It seems like an awful lot of effort for an Anchorman tribute. Although our town was plastered in "Eat More Possum" graffiti when I was growing up thanks to Dazed and Confused.
  7. timbot

    Food Porn (SFW)

  8. timbot

    Food Porn (SFW)

  9. timbot

    Just found the ending of Quantum Leap on youtube..

    They are showing them all on the Sci-Fi channel at the moment along with a voice over that gives away the ending. WTF?
  10. timbot

    Pronunciation Pricks

    Why Irish people? Surely it is annoying for you if anyone does it?
  11. timbot

    Pronunciation Pricks

    Yeah, actually, I think grammar and pronunciation are both interests that should be kept personal. So, if you want to cultivate perfect grammar, enunciation and pronunciation for your own ends by all means do. But don't ever correct someone else's efforts unless they are being offensive.
  12. timbot

    Jaysus cycling!

    I was standing on the pedestrian area by the side of Stephen's Green Shopping Centre on Wednesday evening at 6 when it is really busy with people walking all over the place. Some guy came flying along on a bike through that area and people were literally jumping out of his way. He screamed at...
  13. timbot

    Messages scrawled in the dirt on cars
  14. timbot

    Thumped is like Bebo these days

    lol lol u get yr hmorwek dun yet?
  15. timbot

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    Yeah, I love swimming!!! Complex problem - my favourite part is when you get used to the swim and so you can just kind of phase out for a while and think about nothing. It is great!
  16. timbot

    Shameless back on the box

    Yeah, also the characters used to all be just larger than life. Now they are just caricatures and not real characters at all. My favourite line though "She made my life a misery when I was 14". "We were 14, everyone's life was a fucking misery"
  17. timbot

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Who doesnt?
  18. timbot

    I just can't get rid of it.

    200 plectrums - all the same size, all the same colour. Tell everyone you meet that it is your lucky plectrum and that you are giving it to them as a special present. But do it obviously in front of people to whom you have given one before. Then wait and see how long it takes till someone...
  19. timbot

    Would this annoy you?

    Ah in that case you are well within your rights to get annoyed, I dont mind people taking my stuff when I have plenty but when I dont it drives me nuts. If you are getting up to make a sandwich for work or whatever it is annoying when there is no bread, cheese whatever.