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  • Before: Jan 6, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    playlist time

    kylesa cougar cian nugent boards of canada carosah decided to undust the bikini kill/huggy bear split for a friend who wants a crash course in riot grrrl. the huggy bear side is actually deadly. i thought id gone off the whole genre. sleater-kinney on the other hand... blerghhhh, why, why...
  2. R

    trailer for paris hilton's new weird opera movie

    holy fucking shit. ass spank.
  3. R

    piano and cello

    hey, anyone know a good piano and cello duet? (youtube links would be deadly). my friend and I were thinking of doing something for our schools xmas concert. :)
  4. R

    BODY OF CHRIST - Christian Powerviolence

    their gigs could be like mass with communion n hymn sheets... just like what warlords of pez did...
  5. R

    BODY OF CHRIST - Christian Powerviolence

    someone go spread the good news to moshspace....
  6. R

    Hansel and Regretel

    w/ miniature turntables for scratching mp3s "its well weapon"
  7. R

    playlist time

    same-sies. :heart: now i wanna see Annie Hall
  8. R

    on the way: Bullets In/Black Dove

    skit anywhere fear and skitting in los vegas crookyskit tunguskit
  9. R

    art college in cyprus??

    woah thanks for the advise guys! I emailed the college today asking if they could put me in contact with NCAD-heads who'd gone there. They also run a short course in the summer which I'm considering going to...
  10. R

    art college in cyprus?? this looks amazing. Did anyone here ever go or know anyone who did? I'd really like to get in touch with someone who did. I want to do their core year but they said that it was the Irish equivalent of a "level 5", yet would strangley get you into second year of a 4...
  11. R

    Films that stand up to repeated (and I mean REPATED) viewing

    dark crystal the never ending story kids some kind of wonderful brick ghost world
  12. R

    Comic Books

    fair play johnnystress! anyone ever read optic nerve? I got the "32 stories" collection and was a little disappointed. Its interesting though because it shows his transition from his crappy amateur zine-comic to being a really good artist and story teller. But its mostly meh.
  13. R

    Mix my tape

  14. R

    Comic Books

    just got the loan of the Morgenmuffel collection 2-11. yaaaah!
  15. R

    tell me about comics

    just in case anyone missed the comics thread on arts on culture ...
  16. R

    New Blog I have:

    well i mean her voice is pretty nasally but she's pleasant to look at, which is the main thing
  17. R

    New Blog I have:

    i love that you love rihanna. now i can love her too. i love rihanna. she's hawt.
  18. R

    Sandwich toasters

    GOD WHY DON'T YOU JUST EAT A SUGAR SANDWHICH vegan = relishes, tomatoes (esp sundried) , scrambled tofu, vegan cheatin' ham/chicken slices, veg pate, even humous is good, throw in falafel as well sure.
  19. R

    Sandwich toasters

    mashed up cooked nut cutlets, bean burgers or veg burgers with jalepeno relish.