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  • Before: Sep 26, 2005
  • Users: Alan Remorse
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Alan Remorse

    Ed Byrne

    really like. the man should be shot. You cant base a career on shouting "bunch of wankers" once.
  2. Alan Remorse

    Vitamin X

    new album out. Any good?
  3. Alan Remorse

    My Remorse & Revolution Of A Sun CD Launch

    hello My Remorse and Revolution Of A Sun are having a joint CD launch in Fredz on the 5th of June... its 8 quid entrance, and you get both CDs. All you people i promised to send a Cd to should get it in the coming weeks. sorry for the delay kids.
  4. Alan Remorse

    Top 5 movies?

    seems appropriate
  5. Alan Remorse

    12 Rods

    Does anyone like this amazing band? Ive been into them for about four years and i've never met a single person who's even heard of them. Am i just hanging out with a bad crowd or are they really unheard of?
  6. Alan Remorse

    another new zine

    look, i really didnt steal billygannon's idea but... i am doing a new zine. it prob wont be out til july cos i've so many freakin exams but its a music zine that covers absolutely every style of CREDIBLE music, in A5 format It will be handed out FREE at gigs and independant stores - I cant...
  7. Alan Remorse

    MY Zine

    strange, i left a post a couple of hours ago in Eircore with the same title as billygannon about my new zine. Aaaaaaaanyway its a music zine that covers absolutely every style of CREDIBLE music, in A5 format, and will be handed out FREE at gigs and independant stores. If anyone has any...
  8. Alan Remorse


    so i've finally decided to pull the finger out and do a zine. if anybody has contributions they'd like to send me (reviews, interviews yadda yadda) then go ahead. I've written a good deal of it already, havent started the lay out and all that shite yet, and wont till after my exams, so it wont...
  9. Alan Remorse

    That is *damn* good coffee

    im sure this was already mentioned before but does anyone know if season 2 of twin peaks is comin out on DVD? my season one can only keep me going so long, i need more images of Kyle to jerk over.
  10. Alan Remorse

    Happy Birthday Leo

    go on kid!
  11. Alan Remorse

    Kaospilot/Angora Static/My Remorse Irish Dates

    more shameless self promotion... Kaospilot (nutcases from Norway, fuckin mad) Angora Static (Norway) My Remorse (alleged child porn peddlers from Cork) Cork: Wed, 7th April, Fredz Dublin: Thurs, 8th April, Frazers (w/ Scientific Bong) bring your rotten fruit
  12. Alan Remorse

    Kaospilot in Cork

    Kaospilot (Norway, Level Plane Recs) Angora Static (Norway) My Remorse (Cork, bucket of shite) 7th April, Fred Zeppelins just downloaded some Kaospilot stuff and theyre fucking cool, like a cross between Funeral Diner, The Lack and Blood Brothers, mental stuff... this should be a fucking...
  13. Alan Remorse

    New(ish) Papa M record

    anybody heard this? i love the other "M" stuff so i'll assume it'll be just as good... fuckin better be! all memory of Zwan must be erased...
  14. Alan Remorse

    Lift To Experience

    i love this band so so much but does anybody know what they're up to? are they still together? i heard they took a break because their bass player's wife died, which was a good while back. Enlighten me somebody, please!
  15. Alan Remorse

    Favourite pop stars...

    So who's everyone's favourite pop star? i've always had a soft spot for Bros, but that may be because my girlf has a signed copy of When Will I Be Famous, which she won on Action Station Saturday as a child... but to be fair, I wouldnt be the person I am today without Michael Jackson...
  16. Alan Remorse


    begorrah Death Before Disco (belguim, Goodlife Recordings) My Remorse (Cork Queercore) Revolution Of A Sun (Crustier than a paedophile's jocks) Paddy's night, Fredz, 9pm everyone will think you're really cool
  17. Alan Remorse


    begorrah Death Before Disco (belguim, Goodlife) My Remorse (Cork Queercore) Revolution Of A Sun (Crustier than a paedophile's jocks) Paddy's night, Fredz, 9pm you know you want it
  18. Alan Remorse

    Movie Tag Lines

    so hows about everybody's favourite movie tag lines? jsut to be as obscure as possible, naturally. i think my favourite is David Cronenberg's Shivers: "if this movie doesnt make you scream and squirm, then you need to see a psychiatrist... now!"
  19. Alan Remorse

    My Remorse Would Like To Play Kilcoole

    hello... So My Remorse would like to play Kilcoole... i had the 9th of April in mind, which is a Friday night... the reason i'm asking about a specific date is cos we're playing Cork and Dublin on the wed and thurs nights respectively so it'd be nice if we could make a little tour out of it...
  20. Alan Remorse

    Death Before Disco Need A Lift...

    hello Death Before Disco, a band from Belgium on Goodlife Records need a lift from Galway to Belfast on Friday week. There's five people in the band, and they wont be bringing a drumkit, just guitars (not sure about amps, presume they'll be bringing their own) can anybody help...