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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
  • Order by date
  1. mazzyianne

    US soldiers rap album “So for our country We will bleed While you run your mouth You say in defence of me But mofucker please You’ve made your millions You could never Feel me”
  2. mazzyianne


    They got those from dunnes. we got about 10 cartons of alpro chocolate soya milk there one night...we woke eric measa up trying to put them under his pillow. hehehe drank almost all of them the one drunk night... Got a whole black sack of taytos as well one night. happy days, tayto for...
  3. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    edit: up
  4. mazzyianne

    Rock'n'Roll Mother Fukk Nut!!!!

    Wha happenned? I didn't make it to Saturday, friday was a good buzz.|..| Oak kicked ass. Willie's dj-ing was hilarious. Complan were quite spectacular! Despite all the talk on the sticky thread there was no one there for the first band, literally maybe 10-15 people and a worried looking...
  5. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    ...not defending the occupation of Palastine, I'm asking why the fuck you would wear a hamas t-shirt. "Democratically elected" is not a good enough excuse to support an oppressive murderous regime as far as I'm concerned. Neither is "well I agree with one of their objectives" sigh... *gives...
  6. mazzyianne

    Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302]

    For a workshop thing about various ailments and herbal medicine and stuff, a friend of mine researched a bit of stuff about depression. I dunno if this will be helpful for anyone here but I'll post it just in case. Depression: Plant oils have a powerfull effect on the nervous system. Citrus...
  7. mazzyianne


    myself and a friend gave this workshop thing a while ago about herbal remedies for various common ailments, anyways, one of them was hayfever, soooo, here's what we came up with: Hayfever: -With any catarrah problems, a low mucus-froming diet is important. Avoid milk and cheese and refined...
  8. mazzyianne

    Brood, Boxes, DeNovissimis, Slóg - monday in the lower deck

    Yeah, really want to see them...gonna try n make it, fuckin exams...:mad:
  9. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    Argh, I want to just let this drop but it's really fucked. You might agree with one thing they want, palastinian seperatism, but you cant just go, ah well, you have to take the good with the bad, and blindly support these fuckwits. As far as I'm concerned wearing a t-shirt of a group is a...
  10. mazzyianne

    fallon & byrne

    That's what i was thinking, sucks... I have a bottle but there's not much left in it...:mad:
  11. mazzyianne

    Favourite Irish Eateries

    Due to the china house being closed I ended up going to that newer Govindas last week and it was nae bad. Way better than I thought it would be, the plate of food were massive for 7euro or so. Bleedin stuffed I was, and it tasted nice. Better than the other govindas coz there was the usual...
  12. mazzyianne

    mad foreigner vegetables

    They're called mangosteens, they're small and look a bit like little hard apples, you need a knife to get to the good stuff. They have little segments kind of the texture of lychee with a little stone in the middle of each. They taste like... I dunno, a really amazing tasty fruit. strawberry...
  13. mazzyianne

    Little things that make your day.

    this morning I was a wee bit hungover and pretty tired, walking down capel st at 10am or something, plugged into me mp3 player and this guy said something to me. I couldn't hear him so I took out my earphones n said 'what?'. and he goes 'you look really nice' and smiles and walks off...
  14. mazzyianne

    mad foreigner vegetables

    Has anyone tried these? Maybe in Thailand... Seriously tasty
  15. mazzyianne


    yes sir, Lala...;) want to...lie down...for a minute.
  16. mazzyianne


    No, they don't have to, coz it's free. They can even eat meat if they 'find' it. Those are the rules... Maybe not on that website, I cant be arsed reading it.
  17. mazzyianne


    Hmmm, I'm pretty sure freegans are just 'vegans-unless-it's-free' that makes it sound much more... fancyschmancy, for want of a better word.
  18. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    There's your problem right there.:D And Janer, seriously, how is pointing out that supporting palastinian people and supporting hamas are two different things 'childish'? There are plenty of groups in Palastine you could support if you wanted to show your solidarity with Palastine, like...
  19. mazzyianne

    "thank god for three more dead troops"

    Yup :p ... um ... Hamas.
  20. mazzyianne


    I dunno, the film is just never as good as the book is it?:)