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  • Users: Corey
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Corey

    The Snooker.

    I'm sorry. I just did'nt know where to go. Opening rounds,Best of 5 frames? Hunh? Procrastination's what it's all about; day/week long commitment with breaks only for tea/bathroom. Why, it's over before i've even glanced at my toffee pops. Next thing you know they'll all be wearing shorts...
  2. Corey

    Death of a president on C4 last night.

    Ahem. Missed that other thread. I'm sorry everybody.
  3. Corey

    Playground small-talk. (parenting thread)

    "Hiya" "hi" "My baby's much sexier than your baby" "Get away from us."
  4. Corey

    Disposal of empty art rubbish stuff.

    Is there any healthy alternaive to having to cram my car full of empty tin paint tubes, bits of wood, metal, sponges, cans and sundry plastic bits and pay 30 quid to dump it up Ballyogan? Cant just fuck it in the bin like, and having to wait till i have enough to fill a car is leaving my...
  5. Corey

    The Ewdesser Club.

    Read: Odessa Club, beside the central hotel. I was in there sunday afternoon and was thouroughly bemused. Wankfest Central. You pay a huge amount of money for membership to a place that looks and sounds like a gentlemens auto-club, then swan around the lounge, pretending to be a 60 year old...
  6. Corey

    David O'Doherty

    I like this guy a lot. He is very Funny. "The Viscount of Rumpled Whimsey" apparantley, according to the projects website. Tee-hee-hee.... check out for details
  7. Corey

    Poster Thread.

    There were some amazing illustrated posters between the 60's and 70's. All those old illustrated bond ones. Not this one, but you know... Mc Cabe and mrs. miller And that coco-rosie/baroness one up top right. It's a deadly piece of illustration. I want it ina nice frame up on my wall. Help...
  8. Corey

    Thumped mass suicide.

    Come on you pussies.
  9. Corey

    Whats the funniest quote you've ever heard ever?

    Popped into my head this morning for no reason at all and startled the girlfriend with my sudden giggling crescendo. Cresendo. Crecendo. Crecsendo. Fuck it. "Battered Women; just because it sounds delicious don't make it right". Genius. So, the quote you personally find the most hilarious...
  10. Corey

    You know you're getting older when...

    -the novelty value of watching childrens television dissappears on account of your child now watching it with you. -you start threads about getting old.
  11. Corey


    R.I.P Steve-o mate. Gutted. Not him, me. He was done in by a stingray. Strewth.
  12. Corey


    hup. -pretty good eh?
  13. Corey

    I going to open a bar.

    I miss the good times. A small, dirty one. Right smack bang in the middle of the snootiest part of the city.With no name on the door. So that only yous know where it is. Vinnie's not allowed in though, He's got too many mates as of yesterday. How much money d'y'think i would need? What would...
  14. Corey

    Most Haunted.

    Taking my cue from lala, cu8n and mcFly; i think it's time we discussed the merits of this truly fantastical and seminal programme. I'm off to feed nipper, but i'll be back. There'd better be a heated debate going on when i return. -From the dead, of course.
  15. Corey

    I smell turkey.

    I've been smelling christmas dinner all day. I do not know why.
  16. Corey

    How to make 1100 euro in 6 days.- Suggestions.

    The curse of 'the standing order' rent payment had me convinced momentarily that i'd paid my rent and was still loaded to boot. So i spent my rent on booze and class-A's without realising. Fucking Money. Fucking Banks. Fucking Rent. Fuck. Best suggestion wins an I.O.U for a prize; scrawled on a...
  17. Corey


    I credit these fantastic things for my genius, and thusly want to introduce my child to the wonders of their creative potential. But I cant find them anywhere, meaning that either (a) they dont make em anymore; or (2) they're not as effective as i think they are. Lets hear it for stickle...
  18. Corey


    So says scotland yard about this mornings failed terrorist attempt. Everybody calm down. Sky news are quoting this approximatley 3 times per minute. Along with other words like "spectacular" and "Apocalyptic" I'm not for death, but lets call a spade a spade. My feet smell, but they would'nt...
  19. Corey

    I have a question about printing movie stills.

    Duuuh...I got media player and pretty much nothing else. I need to print out specific stills from a movie for reference purposes. It's not porn. So how do i do it then? I need your help. Help me you pricks.
  20. Corey

