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  1. mickalphabet

    DEAF 2007

    well said looking forward to d-styles
  2. mickalphabet

    The Alphabet set presents Sarsparilla 'Karahee' and Launch party

    likkle reminder, nitght of top notch live electronic music in kennedys, hope ye can make it, m
  3. mickalphabet

    The Orb appreciation thread

    even slug dub
  4. mickalphabet

    The Orb appreciation thread

    no contest: orbus terrarum, my favourite electronic album ever
  5. mickalphabet

    The Alphabet set presents Sarsparilla 'Karahee' and Launch party

    The Alphabet Set are proud to present "Karahee" album launch featuring: SARSPARILLA live ( SOLEN live ( CIGNOL live ( Thursday 13th September Kennedys, Westland Row, D2 9:00pm - 12:30am Adm 6 euro...
  6. mickalphabet

    is nomeansno in whelans an early gig?

    ah bugger, is el-p an early gig then?
  7. mickalphabet

    is nomeansno in whelans an early gig?

    tanks in advance
  8. mickalphabet

    Notting Hill Carnival

    I sometimes dream of a day when st patricks festival has ONE soundsystem on a corner somewhere
  9. mickalphabet

    Notting Hill Carnival

    what sorta music you into? if you like roots reggaecheck out these... sunday - Channel one, Mighty Tabot ( tube stops edgware road ) Monday - Jah Observer, Saxon, aba shanti(particularly for last few hours). (westbourne park ) do not go near notting hill gate stop, do not stay around to...
  10. mickalphabet

    Cheap Dutch Fest

    wouldn't mind cathcing Kiss the anus of a black kat, but tilburg is a kip
  11. mickalphabet

    Wobble III - Dubstep skanks - Fri Aug 17 - Traffic with Mundo...

    looking forward to this one
  12. mickalphabet

    Wobble III - Dubstep skanks - Fri Aug 17 - Traffic with Mundo...

    its quite easy to find, left after supermacs goin up o connel st.
  13. mickalphabet

    Irish Green Gathering

    yup, sat evening Untz stage
  14. mickalphabet


    Yes indeed all roads lead to Galway this Saturday night for the Mighty Jah Tubbys World System. Heavyweight sounds by Rootical soundsystem. On the mic for the night - Dixie Peach, Errol Bellot & Professor Natty Black box Venue, Galway City : €15 gate Reach if you can, Mick
  15. mickalphabet

    leechrum 07

    ghost in a shell track is one of mine, unreleased dubplate called 'cold slaw' the last one was Loefah mix of track called jah war by The Bug & flow dan was it that late we finished?? some marathon session that was
  16. mickalphabet

    leechrum 07

    missed friday but caught sat/sun... goodz.. solariumface - spot on for the hour of the morning running riot - ANIMAL Dj/Rupture - not the best i've seen him but mostly deadly los langeros - again animal madhouse ambulance - lethal set the ease - sean nos version of mylovely horse...
  17. mickalphabet

    Sound engineer needed for job this sunday night

    yeah experienced sound engineer needed for decent once off paid l job in the south dub city area.. pm me please if your available mick
  18. mickalphabet

    I spent my yoof in fucking Bray DART station MIXTAPE!

    Appreciate the feeback people, especially the nathan barley one. your spot on mate!
  19. mickalphabet

    I spent my yoof in fucking Bray DART station MIXTAPE!

    I spent my yoof in fucking Bray DART station MIXTAPE! Current mood: accomplished...