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  • Users: mackle
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mackle

    The Official Feel Sorry for Yourself Thread

    Right the idea is you get to whinge and moan about stuff thats pissing you off and making you feeling sorry for yourself. I'll go first- I am tired and want a break. Going to school Monday to Friday and working Saturday and Sunday is killing me.......
  2. mackle

    Wobby Teeth

    The other night at a party my friend passed out in the bath and in my drunkness I decided it was a good idea for a few of us to happy slap him (stupid I know). But after one slap around the head he got up and smacked me in the face (I did deserve it) and now my tooth is slightly wobbly. Its not...
  3. mackle

    Serpents/De Novissmis split

    Did that ever get released? Where could I pick one up if it is released?
  4. mackle

    Mastodon- Blood Mountain

    Anyone heard it yet? Listened to it a few times this morning. It's way different to Leviathan. Really good though.
  5. mackle

    Man is the Bastard

    Never hear them getting mentioned on here too much. Excellent band. Downloaded some really great bootlegs of them playing live last night. Wish I'd got to see them live. Any other fans here?
  6. mackle

    Why cant I give rep?

    For some reason the option to give rep has just vanished. I've recieved rep since it happened so I am assuming its something to do with my account
  7. mackle

    Burning Witch- New Record

    Check it out Should be interesting. Hope they dont go all shit and ruin their reputation. Though I cant imagine those guys putting their names to anything crap
  8. mackle

    Prank Calls

    Anyone got any good prank call stories? My friends and I had a good one tonight. We phoned up this drug dealer guy and basically kept asking about doing home deliveries on hash and then complaining that we could get it for cheaper everywhere and winding him up about looking like the halfway...
  9. mackle

    Truss Rods

    Lately I've noticed that certain frets on my guitar have been giving out an awful buzz. Would this be due to the truss rod needing realigned possibly? Is it expensive to get a truss rod realigned?
  10. mackle

    Bruce Springsteen appreciation thread

    Why did it take me until recently to realise how amazing he is! I have Born to Run, Greetings from Asburry Park, Nebraska and The Rising. What should I get next considering Greetings from Asbury Park is my favourite. Any lucky fucks here get a ticket for his gigs?
  11. mackle

    Lip Piercings

    Anyone here got them? How long do they usually take to heal? I am considering getting it done but need to get it done before I go back to school so I have time to let it heal properly.
  12. mackle

    Fizzy drinks making you feel like shit

    Lately everytime I drink any sort of fizzy drinks its been killing my stomach big style. Anyone get this? Never had a problem like it before. Could be a god send seeing as I drink way too many fizzy drinks!
  13. mackle

    Male Haircuts

    Getting my haircut short for the first time in two years this weekend. Scary experience! But I dont know what way I want to get it cut. I just know I dont want long hair anymore. Someone post some good hairstyle for inspiration (I really should be smarter than to post this thread)
  14. mackle

    Minor Threat reunion

    Not really
  15. mackle

    Linda McCartney Sausage Sandwich Appreciation Thread

    With lots of tomato sauce. mmh best lunch ever .|..|
  16. mackle

    Janers adventure in France

    Just heard a funny story about Janer from Barney: xX CHUFFEDCORE Xx says: well mackle xX CHUFFEDCORE Xx says: wanna know what happened to janber Ciaran says: aye, what happened? xX CHUFFEDCORE Xx says: he went to the champions league final xX CHUFFEDCORE Xx says: but he got blocked xX...
  17. mackle


    Getting this at the end of the month for the first time. I understand I have to go from Belfast to Dublin Airport and then get off there and get another bus to the City Centre. Is there a bus though that goes straight from Dublin City Centre to Belfast or do I have to go to Dublin Airport?
  18. mackle

    Husker Du appreciation

    Been listening to Flip Your Wig on constantly the last few days after having not listened to Husker Du in about 2 years or so. Just realised why I liked them so much in the first place. Even their weak material was better than most bands from that era!
  19. mackle

    Lurgan Riots Fuck sake. I know one of the guys that was arrested. Total asshole. Just drove past where the police are working at and the place is covered with scumbags rioting and belting petrol bombs at the police. People are assholes. If the bomb...
  20. mackle

    Going to college in Dublin

    Over the last while I pretty much decided I was gonna definitley go to Dublin after I leave school to go to college. I dont go until 2007 but I decided I am gonna be applying soon so I would need to start finding the lowdown on everything as its a pretty big move. Is accomadation as killer as...